MED Collaborations University of Life Sciences in Lublin APN Active Plant Nematologists CEPAAL Alentejo Olive Oil Study and Promotion Center (CEPAAL) ATLA Alqueva: Marketing Plan and Investor Manual - Agroindustry and Tourism - Transboundary Association of Lago Alqueva Ambios PT Ambios Portugal AAB Association of Applied Biologists Biodata Association IRBLleida Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida Foundation Dr. Pifarré BIOPOLIS BIOPOLIS Association BES British Ecological Society CICYTEX Center for Scientific and Technological Research of Extremadura CEWP China Europe Water Platform EPICATCH COST - Epigenetic Mechanisms of Crop Adaptation to Climate Change DRAP Algarve Directorate General of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Algarve ECOGRAM ECOGRAM Network (Cyted Program) – Ibero-American Network for Productive Improvement of Silvopastoral Systems Using Cyber-Physical Systems EIP EIP Focus Group on Nature-Based Solutions for Water Management Under Climate Change ELIXIR ELIXIR ENDR ENRD Thematic Group on Carbon Farming EURAGRI EURAGRI: European Agricultural Research Initiative EBP EuroBirdPortal EBCC European Bird Census Council ECPA European Climate Pact Ambassadors Network - Supported by DG-Clima EBVS European College of Veterinary Microbiology Cost Action CA20110 European Cooperation in Science and Technology EGF European Grassland Federation ENOLL European Network of Living Labs 'Agriculture and Agrifood Working Group' EPNOE European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence ESSC European Society for Soil Conservation EurAgEng European Society of Agricultural Engineering (EurAgEng) ESN European Society of Nematologists ESVP European Society of Veterinary Pathology EU GREEN European University Alliance for Sustainability: Responsible Growth, Inclusive Education and Environment Water4All European Water Partnership FABRE FABRE – Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction Technology Platform FONCIMED FONCIMED: a land research and exchange network in the Mediterranean GAL Alentejo Central GAL Alentejo Central & EDL O Local + Próximo GAL MEG GAL Margem Esquerda do Guadiana (MEG) & EDL Margem Esquerda do Guadiana Terras Dentro GAL Terras Dentro /&EDL Terras de Abundância SGL Geographical Society of Lisbon RGSS Global Network on Silvopastoral Systems ISA Higher Institute of Agronomy, University of Lisbon HUB4AGRI HUB4AGRI – Digital Innovation Hub for Agriculture SIADEB Ibero-American Society for the Development of Biorefineries InPP InnovPlantProtect Collaborative Laboratory ITQB NOVA Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology António Xavier IBS International Biogeography Society IFSA International Farming System Association ISIE International Society for Industrial Ecology IUFRO International Union of Forest Research Organizations Division 7 - Forest Health AIDA Interprofessional Association for the Development and Valorization of Carob Production FAO Interregional FAO-CIHEAM Research Network on Nuts ITD Alliance ITD Alliance Institutional Member Membership fee 2022 IUFRO IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organizations ATB Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) OBio Order of Biologists CCPAM Portuguese Alentejano Pig and Montado Competence Center APENA Portuguese Association for Natural Engineering APRH Portuguese Association for Water Resources SPB Portuguese Biotechnology Society CCPAM Portuguese Competence Center for Aromatic, Medicinal, and Spice Plants (CCPAM) CCSC Portuguese Competence Center for Cork Tree and Cork (CCSC) CCPE Portuguese Competence Center for Extensive Grazing (CCPE) CCPB Portuguese Competence Center for Maritime Pine COTR Portuguese Competence Center for National Irrigation (COTR) CCBIO Portuguese Competence Center for Organic Farming and Organic Production Products (CCBIO) CCDM Portuguese Competence Center for the Mediterranean Diet (CCDM) CCEGSECB Portuguese Competence Center for the Study, Management, and Sustainability of Hunted Species and Biodiversity (CCEGSECB) CCPMP Portuguese Competence Center for Umbrella Pine and Pine Nut (CCPMP) CCRES Portuguese Competence Center for Wild Resources (CCRES) CCLã Portuguese Competence Center for Wool (CCLã) CCDesert Portuguese Competence Center in the Fight Against Desertification (CCDesert) ResECO Portuguese Ecological Restoration Network CCC Portuguese Goat Production Competence Center (CCC) CNCACSA Portuguese National Competence Center for Climate Change in the Agro-Forestry Sector (CNCACSA) CCMS Portuguese National Competence Center for Maize and Sorghum Crops "InovMilho" (CCMS) INIAV, I.P. Portuguese National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research, I.P. Projeto Antídoto Portuguese National Network of Necropsy and Forensic Toxicology Centers (Partnership Agreement Antidote Portugal Project) RRN Portuguese National Rural Network SPEA - GTAN Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds - Working Group on Nocturnal Birds SPCF Portuguese Society of Forestry Sciences SPM Portuguese Society of Microbiology SPCS Portuguese Society of Soil Science SPCV Portuguese Society of Veterinary Sciences ACOS Portuguese Southern Farmers Association Alqueva + Inovador PROVERE Strategy - ALQUEVA + Innovator - Valorization of the Endogenous Resource 'Water-Alqueva' PROVERE - MONTADO DE SOBRO E CORTIÇA PROVERE Strategy - CORK OAK MONTADO PROVERE TR PROVERE Strategy - REGENERATIVE TERRITORY RAMSAR RAMSAR Scientific Committee DRAP Alentejo Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of Alentejo Cibio Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources RIBOLIVA RIBOLIVA RURAL PACT RURAL PACT SERE legal working group Society for Ecological Restoration Legal Working Group Cátedra Solo Soil Chair - Regenerative Soil Practices Semear Local Sow and Feed Local Initiative SEFIN Spanish Society for Nitrogen Fixation SYSTEMIC SYSTEMIC – Knowledge Hub in Food Nutrition and Security GLOW The Global Owl Project GGKP The Green Forum - GGKP - Co-Manager of the Closed Group 'The Role of SMEs in Transforming Food Systems' UNIMED UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union UNIMED-Food & Water UNIMED - SubNetwork on Food & Water UA University of Aveiro UC University of Coimbra UP Lublin University of Life Sciences in Lublin UdL University of Lleida WSU Western Sydney University