Sustainable Crop Production
Thematic Line
Crop production systems are one of the cornerstones of MED, and research is being conducted on crops such as olives, vines, broad-acre crops, and horticultural crops including fruits, all with the perspective of contributing to Sustainable Crop Production (SCP). In this context, MED's work on these crops encompasses a range of subjects including genetic selection, novel multiplication techniques, crop management and harvesting, post-harvest processing and transformation, and technologies such as precision agriculture.
This also includes areas of sustainable soil management based on the principles of Conservation Agriculture, water management including both efficient irrigation and green water use, and the efficient and responsible use of other external inputs such as agrochemicals and energy.
In the SCP context, the main research questions are:
1) breeding/selection of cultivars that respond to the challenges of climate change, changes in production patterns (e.g., olives), and the need to reduce agrochemical inputs while maintaining and improving productivity and quality;
2) changing/adapting crop management systems to a) improve resource use efficiency (e.g., water, energy), b) reduce production costs, and c) lower the environmental footprint (reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon sequestration) through sustainable management of soil, water, and waste products;
3) improving harvest processes and post-harvest processing and transformation, including waste or by-products, thus adding value to all end products.
Expected Results
A major contribution of SCP is seen in the development and registration of cultivars/lines of varieties of olives and grapes capable to respond to the mentioned challenges of climate change, the changes in production patterns and the need to reduce inputs of agrochemicals (vineyards and horticulture).
Other key outcome of the work undertaken under the umbrella of SCP are clear and evidence-based proposals for a shift towards best management practices (BMPs) to address:
1) the main threats to soil health in the especially vulnerable Mediterranean environment (erosion, Soil Organic Matter decline, biodiversity, salinisation);
2) approaches focused on mitigation and adaptation to climate change in general and water use efficiency in specific;
3) to add value to the distinct and typical Mediterranean production systems throughout their value chain.
