Fernando Manuel Salvado Capela e Silva

Fernando Manuel Salvado Capela e Silva

Biociência Animal, Integrado no MED
Biociência Animal
Integrado no MED


Fernando Capela e Silva holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Évora since 2004. He is Associate Professor of Animal Histology and Embriology in the MSc in Veterinary Medicine and Human Histology in the BSc of Human Biology. He is a member of Institute of Mediterranean Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (ICAAM; http://www.icaam.uevora.pt/). His present research interests include: Comparative animal cytology and histology. Functional morphology and adaptive processes. Tissues homeostasis and biomarkers of tissue function, injury and repair. Oral Biology: Effects of external and internal factors on morphophysiological adaptations of oral tissues.

Investigação Actual
  • Oral biology
Interesses de Investigação
  • Functional morphology and adaptive processes.
  • Oral biology
  • Tissues homeostasis and biomarkers of tissue function, injury and repair.
  • Comparative animal cytology and histology.

Informação Pessoal

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Linhas temáticas para as quais contribuo:
Produção e Saúde Animal

Publicações & Patentes



Projeto Fundos Instituição Líder Papel Início Fim Âmbito
Biomarcadores Salivares - Diz-me a saliva que tens. dir-te-ei o que comes CIÊNCIA VIVA Universidade de Évora Participante 2020-06-01 2021-06-30 Nacional