
Eventos MED

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Outros Eventos

NOV 29, 2024

International Conference “Europe and the changing Mediterranean: policies and research agendas for culture, heritage, and sustainability”
The International Conference “Europe and the changing Mediterranean: policies and research agendas for culture, heritage, and sustainability”, which will be held at the University of Évora on 28-29 November 2024, aims to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue focused on Mediterranean heritage(ies), Euro-Mediterranean agendas and policies for their safeguarding and enhancement, as a way of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The event is being held as part of the MEDHEUS project (Mediterranean Cultural Heritage in EU Policies), funded by the Jean Monnet Modules action of the Erasmus+ programme.
Deadline call for papers: 30 April >>>> New data 17 May

MAI 5-9, 2024

International Symposium on Biotechnological Tools in Horticulture

Rimini Expo Centre, Italy – May 5-9, 2025 

International Symposium on Biotechnological Tools in Horticulture


  • 4 March 2024
    Start of abstract submission
  • 20 October 2024
    Deadline for abstract submission
  • 31 October 2024
    Deadline for abstract modification

More information: https://symposiumbiotechinhort.com/

JUN 29, 2025

15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture – ECPA

SAVE THE DATE : 29 de junho a 3 de julho

De 29 de junho a 3 de julho, terá lugar em Barcelona a 15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture – ECPA
2025, sobre os auspícios da International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) e organização da Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).


• Data limite para submissão dos resumos 15 de setembro de 2024
• Notificação das decisões sobre a aceitação dos resumos: 15 de outubro de 2024
• Submissão das comunicações (full papers) 30 de novembro de 2024

Informação atualizada em https://ecpa2025.upc.edu/