EIT Jumpstarter 2022
About the programme
EIT Jumpstarter is an award-winning pre-accelerator programme for innovators in seven different thematic fields. The programme contributes to boosting innovation and entrepreneurship within Central- Eastern- and Southern-Europe by validating innovative solutions from idea holders. With the contribution of the best-in-class experts, creative community, unique know-how, EIT Jumpstarter team aim to support idea-holders to turn their ideas into business. The EIT Jumpstarter team will help to build a viable business model around their innovative product or service idea, validate it and, if their idea is proven to be sustainable, encourage them to register their company. The best 3 teams of each category are awarded a money prize of up to 10 000 euro.
Who can apply?
Scientists, designers, engineers, architects, innovators, PhD or master’s students and all creative minds having an innovative idea in one of the following sectors: Health, Food, Raw Materials, Energy, Manufacturing, Urban Mobility or New European Bauhaus. The competition is open to individuals and teams of natural persons who are citizens of the EIT RIS eligible countries. More details about the programme and the eligibility criteria in the Terms & Conditions.
Deadline for applications was extended to 20th April 2022. Apply here: https://apply.eitjumpstarter.
The team of EIT Jumpstarter programme will provide a workshop in 6th April (2:20 pm) to help the participants to get familiar with the application. More information here: https://eitjumpstarter.eu/event/lisbon-portugal-2022-2/