EURAGRI Workshop - EU's Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture
Na próxima sexta-feira dia 6 de dezembro, a rede EURAGRI, da qual o MED faz parte, promove um workshop para discutir o Diálogo Estratégico da União Europeia sobre o Futuro da Agricultura da UE. Os oradores fornecerão os antecedentes, darão destaque aos seus resultados e apresentarão as perspectivas da DG Investigação e Inovação e dos principais peritos em investigação sobre as suas implicações.
Descarregue a AGENDA AQUI. A participação terá lugar por Zoom (Link AQUI), e o evento começa às 09:00 (GMT) .
Resumo do workshop:
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, highlighted the outcomes of the Strategic Dialogue1 demonstrated the potential to move beyond polarised debates on the future of agriculture and foster trust among diverse stakeholders. The Commission is now carefully reviewing the report, which will serve as a solid foundation for shaping its new European food and farming vision.
Euragri is hosting an exclusive, invitation-only hybrid workshop to delve into the Strategic Dialogue’s background, spotlight its outcomes, and present
insights from DG Research and Innovation and leading research experts. The workshop will explore the report’s findings and their implications for
research, innovation, and the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System.