Aula aberta "Impact of mastitis on dairy production in Thailand"

No âmbito da visita do Professor Attapol Tiantong da Silpakorn University (Tailândia) à Universidade de Évora ao abrigo do Programa ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility – Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility For Teaching, será dada uma aula aberta intitulada “Impact of mastitis on dairy production in Thailand”.

26 abril | 17h | Sala de Conferências do Pólo da Mitra  – Universidade de Évora & Zoom (Link aqui)

“Impact of mastitis on dairy production in Thailand”

Abstract: Mastitis is the most prevalent production disease in dairy herds worldwide. In Thailand, the prevalence of mastitis is increasing in parallel with the development of new, high-milk-producing breeds of cows. Main factors have been identified that contribute to increased spread of the disease, including delay in disease detection, unhygienic milking practices and delayed and incomplete treatment of clinical and chronic mastitis. In a study of 318 samples from 50 farms in Thailand, the prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis in lactating cows was shown to be 17.92% for clinical mastitis and 82.08% for subclinical mastitis. Staphylococcus spp. were the most prevalent pathogens responsible for both clinical and subclinical mastitis (63.16% and 59.39%, respectively), followed by Streptococcus spp. (17.54% and 14.94 %) and Bacillus spp. (15.79 % and 16.09%). Several studies found that the prevalence of subclinical mastitis in lactating cows was greater than that of clinical mastitis. Furthermore, the economic loss from subclinical mastitis alone has been estimated to be 15-45%, owing to a decrease in milk production in affected lactating cows. Furthermore, in quarters with California mastitis test scores of 1, 2, and 3, milk production declined by 1.2%, 6.3%, and 33%, respectively. Mastitis, on the other hand, remains the most pressing worry among Thai farmers.

Aula aberta promovida pela Prof. Cristina Queiroga do Departamento de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, no âmbito da visita do Professor Attapol Tiantong (Silpakorn University) Tailândia à Universidade de Évora ao abrigo do Programa ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility – Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility For Teaching. Com o apoio do MED.

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