2º Encontro MED – Documentos
Nos dias 3 e 4 de julho, realizou-se no polo da Mitra, da Universidade de Évora, o 2º Encontro do MED. Num dia e meio repleto de atividades científicas reunimos mais de 100 investigadores do MED pertencentes à Universidade de Évora, ao CEBAL – Centro de Biotecnologia Agrícola e Agro-Alimentar do Alentejo e à Universidade do Algarve. “Healthy Soils: For Food, For Life and For the Future” foi o tema principal deste encontro, onde os investigadores do MED mostraram o seu trabalho por meio de comunicações orais em sessões temáticas e em demonstrações de ciência.
O Encontro MED 2023 promoveu o conhecimento interno da investigação realizada nesta unidade de I&D sediada na Universidade de Évora, procurando também estimular o trabalho colaborativo e multidisciplinar na procura de soluções para os desafios atuais que se colocam à agricultura, ambiente e desenvolvimento no sul do País e noutras regiões mediterrânicas.
No âmbito do 2º Encontro MED disponibilizam-se nesta página o livro de resumos do evento e as apresentações das sessões paralelas, autorizadas pelos respetivos autores.
Moderator: Teresa Pinto-Correia
- Biochar’s potential for improving soil health, Paulo Mira Mourão (MED-UÉvora)
- CynAgriMulch – A strategy for the development of biodegradable mulching films, Fátima Duarte (MED-CEBAL)
- Subcellular element redistribution in wheat under Mn toxicity is influenced by intact AMF extraradical mycelium, Jorge Faria (MED-UÉvora)
- VIMoS- An approach to develop Visual Indicators on Montados’ Soil functions, Óscar Pelayo (MED-UÉvora)
- Characterization and improvement of soil fertility in the Montado Alentejano: ECO-SPAA experimental field, Luís Roma (MED-UÉvora)
Moderator: Rui Lourenço
- Animal movement and ecological processes: from roads to disease transmission, Sara Santos (MED-UÉvora)
- Mating strategies of a threatened vole in Mediterranean agroecosystems: Investigating density-dependent variation using genetic non-invasive sampling, Ricardo Pita (MED-UÉvora)
- From bare soil to self-sustainable ecosystems: 16 years restoring animal communities in degraded areas, Pedro Salgueiro (MED-UÉvora)
- The role of land management practices on soil biodiversity in olive groves of Alentejo (Portugal), José Muñoz-Rojas (MED-UÉvora)
- BIOMONTADO – Montado ecosystem and vineyards, Carla Janeiro (MED-UÉvora)
- The energy transition as an element that affects the use of agricultural soil and livestock land in Iberian Peninsula, and the agrivoltaics concept, Miguel Muñoz Garcia (MED-UÉvora)
Moderator: Anabela Romano
- Decoding chemical composition and food safety in grapes, wines and olive oil matrices, Raquel Garcia/Maria João Cabrita (MED-UÉvora)
- Mediterranean fermented foods: promoting innovation while preserving local diversity, Marta Laranjo (MED-UÉvora)
- Hedge training system for Portuguese olive varieties, António Dias (MED-UÉvora)
- The assessment of quality as a contribution to a raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) breeding program, Ana Cristina Agulheiro Santos (MED-UÉvora)
- Influence of a high transmittance film cover on the agronomic and microclimatic parameters of a greenhouse tomato crop, Maria Moreno-Teruel (MED-UÉvora)
Moderator: Cláudia Vicente
- Antagonistic fungi in the fight against the pinewood nematode, David Pires (MED-UÉvora)
- Aiding Cork oak: a soil-plant-microbe approach, Celeste Santos Silva (MED-UÉvora)
- Metabolome Analysis and Immunity of Phlomis purpurea against Phytophthora cinnamomic, Alfredo Cravador (MED-UAlg)
- Monitoring soil microbial activity under different inter-row management practices: the importance of cover crops in the vineyard, Vanessa Silva (MED-UÉvora)
- Effect of tree canopy and dolomitic limestone application on soil microbial activity, floristic diversity and quality of the pasture in the Montado ecosystem, Daniel Bailote/Isabel Brito (MED-UÉvora)
Moderator: Nuno Guiomar
- Living Labs in agriculture and forestry: A systematic review of H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, Maria Rívera (MED-UÉvora)
- From Research to Innovation in public policies: the pilot measure in PEPAC “Management of the Montado for results”, Isabel Ferraz Oliveira (MED-UÉvora)
- Cows and the Montados: Friends or Foes? Managing grazing pressure for soil health, Elvira Sales Baptista (MED-UÉvora)
- How many trees to fall: how and where are we losing the Montado silvo-pastoral system?, J. Tiago Marques (MED-UÉvora)
- Healthy collaboration for healthy soils – the case of the results-based model in the Montado, Helena Guimarães (MED-UÉvora)
Moderator: Fátima Duarte
- The role of land management practices on carbon balance in olive groves of Alentejo (Portugal), José Muñoz-Rojas (MED-UÉvora)
- Carbon footprint in horticulture, Maria João Caldinhas (MED-UÉvora)
- Energy valorization of wastewater from the wine industry through bioelectrochemical remediation systems, Maria Conceição Fernandes (MED-UÉvora)
- On the valorization of agroforestry residues into novel bio-based materials, Bruno Medronho (MED-UAlg)
- The cross between valuing fish and sustainability of resources, Maria João Lança (MED-UÉvora)