Luís Miguel Mascarenhas Neto

Luís Miguel Mascarenhas Neto

Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Integrated in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Integrated in MED


My main area of research has been agricultural entomology, focused on the biological control of agricultural pests through hymenopteran parasitoids. In this context, I have studied parasitoids of important agricultural pests and their parasitoids in the Algarve region, such as the vine green leafhopper, the citrus leafminer and Liriomyza leaf miner, having also worked with the predator Cryptolaemus montrouzieri in the against citrus mealybug. More recently I have wanted to better understand the hymenoptera fauna of the Parasitica group associated with the organic production mode.

In addition to agricultural entomology, I have collaborated in medical and veterinary entomology projects, namely with the inventory of Leishmania vectors and the use of insects in infectious studies with microorganisms.

Currently, with the recent invasion of the African citrus psyllid in the continental territory of Portugal, I have collaborated in projects related to its progression and control, namely through the use of the parasitoid Tamarixia dryi. This project served as a pretext to become interested in the psyllids of Portugal and their parasitoids, having supervised a master's thesis focused on the inventory of this group of insects.


Present Research
  • hymenoptra parasitoids
  • biological control
  • psyllids
Research Interests
  • faunistic studies
  • organic farming
  • psyllids
  • biological control
  • hymenoptera parasitoids

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Biodiversity & Conservation
Sustainable Crop Production

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
LIFE Vida for Citrus “Development of sustainable control strategies for citric under threat of climate change & preventing entry of HLB in EU” European Commission | Life Program Asociacion Agraria Jovenes Agricultores Málaga Participant 2019-07-01 2023-06-30 Internacional