Lénia Isabel Alfaiate Rodrigues

Lénia Isabel Alfaiate Rodrigues

Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Integrated in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Integrated in MED


Graduated in Biology by the University of Évora (2006-2009) and Master in Biomedical Sciences (2009-2012) by the University of Algarve, whose thesis was entitled “Evaluation of changes in the protein profile of saliva of animal model of obesity”, I started my PhD in biochemistry (2013-2017), in University of Évora, with the thesis titled "Influence of salivary proteins on taste sensitivity". I was a fellow in the "Passport for Entrepreneurship" competition (2014-2015) with the project "Salivary test of taste sensitivity". In the following years, I was a fellow in different projects, namely “VALBIOTECCynara – Economic valuation of thistle (Cynara cardunculus): natural variant and its technological applications” and "CistusRumen-sustainable use of steers (Cistus ladanifer) in small ruminants - increased competitiveness and reduced environmental impact. In November 2018, I interrupted my scientific activity and accepted the challenge of being laboratory manager and quality assistant in the olive oil sector. In January 2020, I returned to research through a research fellowship within the scope of the LIVESEED European project, applying Calorespirometry and spectroscopy techniques (FT-NIR). It was also the objective of this study to investigate the link between seed germination and the alternative oxidase (AOX) respiratory pathway, by transcript quantification through RT-qPCR, and by analysis of AOX expression through Western blot. Since March 2020, I am also collaborating with COVID-19 Test Unit, performing RT-qPCR, at the University of Évora. From April 2021 to March 2024, I had a higher technician contract with the University of Évora, in the Molecular Biology laboratory and plant breeding laboratory, where I developed research work related to the evaluation of differences at the transcriptome and proteome level of pea seeds during germination, and also collaborated in other research lines running in the lab I was integrated, being responsible by the proteome analysis in plant morphogenic processes (adventitious rooting and somatic embryogenesis), and collaborated in the transcriptome and metabolome analysis. Since April 2024, I have a contract as a guest research assistant at MED, University of Évora, in the Molecular Biology laboratory and plant breeding laboratory, where I developed research work focusing on proteomics and metabolomics analysis applied to plant species (Vitis vinifera, Olea europaea). 

Throughout my career, I published  15 articles in specialized magazines and 3 book chapters.  I performed 10 oral communications, 16 posters presented at national and international meetings, 2 practice abstracts published on online and 1 proceedings. I have been involved in the organization of an scientific event in the proteomics research field. Currently, I am Guest Editor in the Special Issue "Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Plant Plasticity upon Environmental Stresses" in the open-access journal Plants.

Since January 2021, I have been integrated as team members in the project “Unraveling olive somatic embryogenesis signaling - a focus on the extracellular bioactive molecules”. Since June 2023 I am Co-principal investigator in the project "Application of biostimulants from Opuntia ficus indica to grapevine to mitigate the effects of climate change". In recent years I have also participated in scientific dissemination actions, such as European Researchers' Night and Ciência Viva no Laboratório.

In the last years, I had also the opportunity to supervised the research work of 1 ungraduated student of the degree in Biochemistry, co-supervised the research work of 9 ungraduated students of the degrees in Biology and Biotechnology, 1 Master thesis in Agronomy and  supervises a PhD thesis, which is currently underway.


Present Research
  • Somatic embryogenesis
  • Seed germination
  • Transcriptome analysis
  • Calorespirometry
  • Adventitious rooting
  • Vegetable proteomics
Research Interests
  • Seed germination
  • Vegetable proteomics
  • Transcriptome and metabolome analysis
  • Calorespirometry
  • Plant morphogenic processes
  • Proteome analysis

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
Estarão as plantas sozinhas? Na descoberta dos microorganismos que as habitam CIÊNCIA VIVA - Ciência Viva no Laboratório - Criar futuro 2021 Universidade de Évora Participant 2021-08-30 2021-09-03 Nacional
O papel dos genes e das proteínas na resposta das plantas aos stresses ambientais CIÊNCIA VIVA - Ciência Viva no Laboratório - Criar futuro 2021 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2021-07-26 2021-07-30 Nacional
As plantas e os seus hóspedes. O que nos revela o ADN? CIÊNCIA VIVA - Ciência Viva no Laboratório - Criar Futuro 2022 Universidade de Évora Participant 2022-06-01 2022-08-30 Nacional
O papel dos genes e das proteínas na resposta das plantas aos stresses ambientais CIÊNCIA VIVA - Ciência Viva no Laboratório - Criar Futuro 2022 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2022-06-01 2022-09-30 Nacional
ALCAROB – Aplicabilidade da cultura da alfarrobeira na sustentabilidade da agricultura no Alentejo Promove - Projetos I&D Mobilizadores 2024 MED – Instituto Mediterrâneo para a Agricultura, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Participant 2025-01-01 2028-01-02 Nacional