José Manuel Peixoto Teixeira Leitão

José Manuel Peixoto Teixeira Leitão

Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Collaborator in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Collaborator in MED


Born in Braga (Portugal) in the 24th of June 1952, retires as Full Professor in the same day and month of 2022. Doctor Horis Causa (2011) by the Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Full Professor (2003). Habilitated (2000), Associate Professor (1996) and Assistant Professor (1989) at the University of Algarve, Portugal. Ph.D. by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, 1988) and Ph.D., in the same year, by the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Agronomical engineer (1982) by the Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgária. The high-school was finished in Nampula, Mozambique (1969). At the recently established Universidade of Algarve, he established the Laboratory of Genomics and Genetic Improvement , in which multiple students (national and from abroad) have prepared their diploma works, master dissertations and Ph.D. thesis. He acted as Faculty (College), Department and Scientific Council Director. Director of 1st and 2nd study cycles on Biotechnology. Research/professor visitor at the University of Mainz and Helmholtz Research Center in München (Germany), and in the PennState, Stanford, Georgia and Arizona Universities (USA). He published (most as correspondent author) more than 70 articles in renowned International scientific journals and books, over 200 oral and poster communications and multiple plant genome data. Supervisor of multiple student diploma works, 9 master dissertations and 4 Ph.D. theses. He was the PI, or the PI of the Universidade do Algarve team, in 14 research projects and research contracts (e.g. IAEA/FAO).  Convener of three international congresses and editor of 4 special editions of peer reviewed  research journals and 3 international congresses reports, reviewer for multiple international journals, he maintains his role as member of the editorial board of the journal “Genes” (MDPI).

Present Research
  • Plant Genomics
  • Plant Epigenetics
  • Plant Disease Resistance Genes
Research Interests
  • Plant Breeding (Mutation Breeding)
  • Plant Disease Resistance Genes
  • Plant Genetics and Genomics
  • Plant Genetic Diversity
  • Plant Genetic Mapping

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Biodiversity & Conservation
Sustainable Crop Production

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
PTDC/ASP-PLA/28963/2017 PTDC Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária IP MED Representative 2018-12-01 2021-11-30 Nacional