Hélia Cristina Guerra Cardoso

Hélia Cristina Guerra Cardoso

Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Integrated in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Integrated in MED


Graduated in Biology (University of Évora, Portugal, 2000) with a PhD in Biology/Biotechnology (University of Lisbon, FCUL, Portugal, 2006), my scientific career has been significantly strengthened by early international mobility. This began with a scientific project developed under the ERASMUS program at the School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering in Lleida, Spain (1999/2000). My international exposure to applied science continued, involving collaborations with private companies from various sectors. During this time, I completed a short stay (1999/2000) at the Geisenheim Research Institute (Geisenheim, Germany), financed by the Portuguese company PLANSEL SA, to gain expertise in developing somatic embryogenesis protocols for in vitro grapevine propagation.

Later, as the principal scientist and fellow in a European project (AGRO-AMF-AOX, FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP, ref.: 251464), I was seconded to the SME INOQ GmbH (Solkau, Germany) to exchange knowledge and experience in molecular biology techniques. There, I worked on producing beneficial fungi (mycorrhiza, AMFs) for sustainable agriculture and helped establish a new molecular biology laboratory.

With a strong background in plant biotechnology and molecular biology gained during my PhD research (2000-2006), which focused on developing transgenic grapevine plants resistant to pathogenic fungi, I was appointed to lead the Laboratory of a Marie Curie Chair at the University of Évora – Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânica (ICAAM). My active engagement as the principal Postdoctoral scientist in the Marie Curie Chair Laboratory initially began with a Postdoctoral fellowship (FCT ref.: SFRH/BPD/27016/2006) and later, with a contract award under the FCT program, Contrato Ciência 2008.

From the start, I was involved in various national and international research projects. I also contributed to initiating and developing innovative projects and technologies related to functional marker development. In this context, I was the Principal Investigator (PI) of an FCT project (EXCL/AGR-PRO/0038-2012) and an FCT Bilateral Cooperation (PT-India). I also served as the Portuguese coordinator for European projects (FP7-SME-2012: FEED-CODE, and H2020: LIVESEED) and the PI of a recently funded LaCaixa project (ALCAROB).

Currently, I am working at MED, integrated into the Plant Protection, Genetics and Biotechnology group, where I am responsible for the Molecular Biology Laboratory. Alongside the development of molecular markers for various applications (e.g., food/feed traceability and plant breeding for pathogen resistance), my research focus has shifted to studying the molecular mechanisms behind plant plasticity in response to environmental stresses, particularly abiotic stresses like drought and salinity. A significant portion of my research now emphasizes understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating the recalcitrance of de novo morphogenesis in woody plants, particularly in adventitious root development and somatic embryogenesis. To explore these topics, I am currently integrating transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic approaches.

Present Research
  • resistance to pathogenic fungi
  • adventitious root development
  • MAS using SSRs
  • olive plant response upon salinity stress
  • mechanisms involved in drought stress tolerance in grapevine
  • somatic embryogenesis efficiency
Research Interests
  • plant breeding
  • plant biotechnology
  • marker-assisted selection
  • morphogenesis regulation
  • calorespirometry
  • abiotic stress response

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
LIVESEED - Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe European Commission – H2020 Program International Federation Of Organic Agriculture Movements European Union Regional Group MED Representative 2017-05-30 2021-05-30 Internacional
Estarão as plantas sozinhas? Na descoberta dos microorganismos que as habitam CIÊNCIA VIVA - Ciência Viva no Laboratório - Criar futuro 2021 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2021-08-30 2021-09-03 Nacional
GESCERTOLIVE - Apoio à gestão de olivais e à certificação de material vegetativo de variedades de oliveira nacionais Portugal 2020 - Alentejo 2020 Universidade de Évora Participant 2020-09-28 2022-09-27 Nacional
As plantas e os seus hóspedes. O que nos revela o ADN? CIÊNCIA VIVA - Ciência Viva no Laboratório - Criar Futuro 2022 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2022-06-01 2022-08-30 Nacional
Agenda Mobilizadora: Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation (Vine and Wine Portugal) Gran Cruz Porto-Sociedade Comercial de Vinhos Lda Participant 2022-07-22 2025-12-31 Nacional
ALCAROB – Aplicabilidade da cultura da alfarrobeira na sustentabilidade da agricultura no Alentejo Promove - Projetos I&D Mobilizadores 2024 MED – Instituto Mediterrâneo para a Agricultura, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento MED Representative 2025-01-01 2028-01-02 Nacional
ARCO - Alentejo Region Applied Research for COVID-19 FEDER University of Évora Participant 2020-07-01 2023-06-30 Nacional