Olga Maria Reis Pacheco de Amaral
Food Science & Technology, Integrated in MED
Food Science & Technology
Integrated in MED
Graduate in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Lisbon, Master's degree in Food Technology/Quality from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at the New University of Lisbon, and PhD from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lisbon. Adjunct Professor in the Department of Technologies and Applied Sciences, Agriculture School of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja since November 1990.
Present Research
- Healthy and sustainable food
- Food inovation
- Mediterranean diet
Research Interests
- Food microbiology
- Food inovation
- Functional food
- Mediterranean Diet
- Healthy and sustainable food
- Food Technology
Personal Information
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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Mediterranean Food & Diet