Fernando Manuel de Campos Trindade Rei

Fernando Manuel de Campos Trindade Rei

Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Integrated in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Integrated in MED


Fernando Manuel de Campos Trindade Rei, Assistant Professor at the Department of Phytotechnics, at the University of Évora, completed his degree in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Évora, in September 1988, his Master's degree in Integrated Protection, at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (UTL), in 1998, having obtained a PhD in Agricultural Sciences Engineering (Plant Protection), at the University of Évora, in December 2006. He is the author of 86 scientific publications, including theses, books, book chapters, scientific articles indexed in databases, non-indexed scientific articles, publications resulting from oral communications or posters presented at conferences and others, and teaching texts. His teaching activity falls within the scope of Integrated Plant Protection, covering the coordination and teaching of several Curricular Units included in the first and second cycles of studies. He is currently coordinator of 5 Curricular Units and has teaching activity in 4 second cycle and 5 first cycle Curricular Units. His scientific activity began with the study of plant viruses. With his doctorate began his research activity with insects, especially focused on the study of the main olive grove pests and non-chemical methodologies for their limitation. He was the main researcher of two research projects and responsible for the participation of the University of Évora in two others, financed through competitive programs, having also participated in 3 projects as a researcher. He is also the author of 3 trap devices for mass capture of the olive fly, one of which was patented by the European Patent Office.

Present Research
  • Mass trapping
  • Entomofauna
  • Oleae europaea
  • IPM
  • Bactrocera oleae
  • X. fastidiosa vectors
Research Interests
  • Pest Control
  • Molecular biology
  • Entomofauna
  • Biodiversity
  • Volatiles
  • IPM

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Biodiversity & Conservation
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
A Protecção Integrada do olival alentejano. Contributos para a sua inovação e melhoria contra os seus inimigos-chave Portugal 2020 - Alentejo 2020 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2016-05-05 2020-02-04 Nacional