Animal Biosciences, Student in MED
Animal Biosciences
Student in MED


Celio Alfredo was born in the district of Gurué, Zambézia province, in Mozambique. In 2014 he completed a degree in Biology and Health at the Department of Biological Sciences, Eduardo Mondlane University. In 2016, he completed his master’s degree in medical Parasitology at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

He is currently enrolled in the PhD program in Veterinary Sciences at the University of Évora.

Present Research
  • Mozambique
  • Giardia
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Zoonosis
  • Molecular Characterization
Research Interests
  • Soil-transmitted helminths
  • Intestinal protozoa of zoonotic importance
  • Schistosomiasis

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Animal Production & Health