Sílvia Benedita Rodrigues Almeida Ribeiro
Ecology & Biogeography, Integrated in MED
Ecology & Biogeography
Integrated in MED
The PhD thesis was defended and presented in 07/11/2013, with maximum grade (Very Good with Distinction) in Instituto Superior de Agronomia (University of Lisbon) with the theme: Floristic diversity patterns of herbaceous communities subjected to different uses in interior mainland Portugal. The thesis was developed within a FCT grant (SFRH / BD / 29515/2006) in which the grasslands of center-east and south-east of continental Portugal were studied and described. This study allowed the description of 8 new syntaxa for science and the publication of 5 main articles.
From 2008 to 2013 more than 1000 relevés in grasslands in CE & SE continental Portugal, respective plant identification, vegetation classification, floristic and ecological data analysis, preparing and writing papers within the PhD thesis.
After PhD thesis the study of grasslands was continued in the research Grant for Doctor (PA.40.490/2013/AjC_PhD/01) within the project PRODER PA40490 (Altitude pasture improvement) in Instituto Superior de Agronomia, assessing impacts of seeding comercial native species mixtures in the dynamics of herbaceous communities with high conservation value, included in Europpean priority habitats.
From 2013 to 2019, many consulting activities were performed, in Center and South mainland Portugal for several companies. In this period the research activities also allowed the publication of books, chapter books, monographies and articles, namely an article related with bioclimatic modelling of the distribution of the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) in the Last Glacial Maximum, Mid-Holocene and facing future climatic changes.
In 2018 grassland surveys were made in mainland Portugal within the Project ESTAT/E/2017/010 for the EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Eurostat DG Environment: LUCAS grassland 2018 - Agro-Environmental Survey of the Institut für Agrarökologie und Biodiversität (IFAB), (German).
Between 2017 and 2018 the work has been focused in the data collection of species of vascular flora vascular and assessment of IUCN criteria for species within the project Red List of Vascular Flora of Mainland Portugal (Portuguese Society of Botany and PHYTOS-Portuguese Association of Vegetation Science). The main results following the participation in this project were related to the rediscovery of plants that were not registered for many decades and the identification of two new taxa for continental Portugal.
Between 2019 and 2022 it was realized the coordination of the habitats cartography of more than 12 Natura 2000 protected areas network from mainland Portugal in Instituto Superior de Agronomia in consortium with companies.
From 2021 to 2023 was Invited Researcher at Departamento de Paisagem, Ambiente e Ordenamento, Universidade de Évora, working in the Projeto LIFE - Conservation and restoration of Mediterranean alder forests priority habitat in Western international Tajo river basin – LIFE ALNUS TAEJO (LIFE20 NAT/ES/000021). This project aims to protect, conserve, enhance and restore watercourses dominated by alder riparian forests (amiais) in the region of the international basin of the River Tagus.
From 2023 to present was local coordinator researcher of the project LIFE Alnus Taejo at Universidade de Évora.
Present research interests include syntaxonomical revisions of communities, definition of target species or indicator species of alder forests, modeling their distribution patterns under environmental and climate changes, considering different management scenarios, ensuring protection measures for conservation also for the related threatened species.
Present Research
- Biodiversity assessment
- Ecology
- Biodiversity conservation
- Cartography
- Biodiversity monitoring
- Geobotany
Research Interests
- Ecosystem services
- Cartography
- Syntaxonomy
- Geobotany
- Ecological Modelling
- Ecology
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