Raquel Filipa Casquinha Barreto

Raquel Filipa Casquinha Barreto

Ecology & Biogeography, Collaborator in MED
Ecology & Biogeography
Collaborator in MED


With a degree in Ecology and Environmen and currently taking a Master's degree in Conservation Biology, I was an Environmental Management technician in a Waste Management project "Re-Planta", and have participated in several research projects in the field of conservation, with experience in floristic inventory, native species in nurseries, eradication of invasive species and reforestation. Currently I have been developing work in conservation and ecological restoration of natural and semi-natural habitats, more specifically streams. 

Present Research
  • stream restoration
  • fresh water ecossystems
Research Interests
  • Conservation biology
  • Biodiversity
  • restoration ecology

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Biodiversity & Conservation

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