Diogo André Pinho da Costa

Diogo André Pinho da Costa

Soil, Water, Plant & Farming Technology, Integrated in MED
Soil, Water, Plant & Farming Technology
Integrated in MED


I am interested in computational hydrology, including hydro-biogeochemical processes and modelling across different climate zones and how they are impacted by climate change. I focus on developing and applying multi-scale numerical models of hydrology, hydrodynamics, climate and water quality, which have been used in several countries, including the USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland, Singapore, Norway, Portugal and Cape Verde. 

There is a great consensus that predictive systems provide cost-effective ways for testing management solutions that balance economic and environmental factors. My objective is to support the development of modelling and sensing systems of water quantity and quality to support process understanding, decision analysis and participatory processes with provincial, national and international stakeholders and policy-makers. I have experience with parallel programming and High-Performance Computing (HPC), different programming languages such as C/C++, FORTRAN, Python, MATLAB, Octave, VBA and Java, and across the main operating systems, Linux, macOS and Windows.

Please visit my webpage at https://github.com/DiogoCostaPT

Present Research
  • hydro-biogeochemical models
  • nature-based solution
Research Interests
  • computational hydrology-biogeochemistry
  • water quality
  • modelling
  • water resources
  • hydrosystems
  • environmental data science

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Biodiversity & Conservation
Sustainable Crop Production

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
INTERLAYER - The complex INTERlink of safeguarding wAter availabilitY and quality to mitigate and adapt to hydroclimatic extRemes 150000 University of Évora MED Representative 2024-03-01 2027-02-28 Internacional
Towards a mechanistic experimental-modelling approach to quantify the carbon balance of irrigated olive groves in Alentejo: Expanding the current monitoring program and exploring different soil-water C-dynamics modelling approaches. 5000 MED MED Representative 2023-08-01 2024-12-31 Nacional
Simulations of nutrient dynamics across large domains Em recursos HPC: 100000 CPU core.horas - equivalente a 781 node.horas x86 ou 4166 node.horas ARM* 0 GPU.horas 1000 GB disco University of Évora MED Representative 2025-01-01 2025-12-31 Internacional