Inês Prata Pereira de Mira
Food Science & Technology, Student in MED
Food Science & Technology
Student in MED
Portuguese Veterinary with 19 years of experience as an official veterinarian in Fish and Fisheries Products Controls. Since 2006, I've been interested in FBO Food Safety, where I work full-time. Sanitary Inspection Invected Lecturer at Universidade Lusofona - Faculdade Medicina Vetrinária, since 2020.
Veterinary Sciences PhD Student at Universidade Évora since 2021
Present Research
- Microbiota
- Food Safety
- Sashimi
- Public Health
- Histamine
- Sushi
Research Interests
- Fish and Fishery Products
- Sushi
- Sanitary Inspection
- Food Safety
- Veterinary Science
- Public Health
Personal Information
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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Animal Production & Health