Clarisse Simões Coelho

Clarisse Simões Coelho

Animal Biosciences, Collaborator in MED
Animal Biosciences
Collaborator in MED


Clarisse Simões Coelho is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Lusofona University, Portugal. Veterinary Doctor trained by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Fluminense Federal University, RJ, Brazil (1997). Residence in Clinic and Surgery of Large Animals by FMVZ - USP, SP, Brazil, in 1998. Master's degree in the area of Veterinary Clinic, completed in 2002, and PhD in the area of Veterinary Surgical Clinic, completed in 2006, both by FMVZ- USP. Both titles were validated in Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine (2017) and PhD Title (2019) by the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto (ICBAS - UPorto).I have teaching/research/extension experience, having taught undergraduate and post-graduation classrooms at UNIMONTE, UVV-ES and Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Research focus in the area of sports medicine and exercise physiology for horses and military dogs with more than 60 published scientific peer reviewed articles in specialized international journals with 235 citations (h-index 9 Coelho); 43 abstracts in proceedings of international congress; 1 book chapter (Important predictors for the assessment of physical conditioning and health in athlete horses);I have supervised 15 master's students, 35 undergraduate students in veterinary medicine (bachelor's degree) and 21 scientific initiation students, participating in 105 student evaluation boards (masters, doctorates, undergraduate). Currently, she is a professor at the Lusofona University (Lisbon, Portugal), where she coordinates the curricular units of the 4th year of the 2nd cycle of studies, with an emphasis on equine medicine. Also, she is responsible for Equine Biomechanics and Equine Sports Medicina units.

Present Research
  • Jumping
  • Physical effort
  • Lusitano
  • Equine
  • Dressage
  • Exercise
Research Interests
  • biomarkers
  • exercise
  • welfare
  • physiology
  • athletes
  • equine

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Animal Production & Health

Publications & Patents
