Sofia Margarida Alves Trindade
Food Science & Technology, Student in MED
Food Science & Technology
Student in MED
I have a degree in Agronomy and a Master's degree in Agronomic Engineering from the University of Évora. My master's dissertation, was titled "Valorization of the cultivation of Figueira-da-India (Opuntia-ficus indica (L.) Mill) produced in the Alentejo: Fruits and Cladodes", and the underlying trials were carried out at the Technology and Post-Harvest Laboratory of the University of Évora.
Present Research
- Edible Films
- Post-harvest
- Edible coatings
- Functional ingredients
Research Interests
- Post-harvest
- Conservation studies
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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Sustainable Crop Production
Publications & Patents
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