Clarisse Brígido
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Integrated in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Integrated in MED
Clarisse Brígido holds a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnological Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (October 2003) and a PhD in Biology from the University of Évora (September 2012). Currently, she is an invited assistant researcher and integrated member at the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development (MED) at the University of Évora, funded by FCT (CEECIND / 00093/2018). She has also been a collaborator as an assistant professor at the Department of Biology and the Department of Chemistry at the School of Science and Technology at the University of Évora since 2018.
Her research has as its main object the study of plant-microbe interactions occurring at rhizosphere and endosphere level, focused on i) studying the molecular mechanisms of beneficial plant-microbe interactions, ii) understanding the factors determining the structure and composition of soil and plant microbial communities and iii) evaluating the capacity of synthetic microbial communities (SynCom's) to protect plants from (a)biotic stresses. Her research aims to develop alternative agricultural practices, both ecological and sustainable, that contribute to increasing crop productivity on marginal soils.
Present Research
- Biocontrol
- Plant growth promoting bacteria
- Biofertilizers
- Soil/Plant Microbiome
- Biostimulants
- Leguminous plants
Research Interests
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Symbiosis
- Microbial Ecology
- Plant-Microbe Interactions
- Soil Microbiology
- Beneficial soil microbes
Personal Information
Institutional Email | Send Message |
Landline / Extension | +351266760878/24374 |
Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Publications & Patents
Publication |
Project | Funding | Lead Institution | Role | Start | End | Scope |
Sustainolive - Novel approaches to promote the SUSTAInability of OLIVE cultivation in the Mediterranean | European Commission | PRIMA Program | Universidad de Jaén | Participant | 2019-06-01 | 2023-05-31 | Internacional |
NREB-Rhizo - Explorando associações benéficas em grão-de-bico : o papel de bactérias endofíticas não-rizobianas na simbiose rizóbio-leguminosa | Portugal 2020 - COMPETE | Universidade de Évora | MED Representative | 2016-11-01 | 2020-10-31 | Nacional |
SOLVO – SOLuções baseadas em cobertura do solo com mulch e biochar procedentes de resíduos do lagar para reverter processos de desertificação nos oliVais do MediterrâneO. | FCT - Projetos de IC&DT em todos os Domínios Científicos - 2022 | Universidade de Évora | Participant | 2023-01-01 | 2025-12-31 | Nacional |
RhizoBioS - Rhizo-attachment and biofilm formation of complex soil bacterial communities: common and unique roles in their interactions with crops | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Espanha | Universidad de Salamanca- Esther Menéndez (PI) | MED Representative | 2023-09-01 | 2026-08-31 | Internacional |