Sónia Alexandra Rupio Bombico

Sónia Alexandra Rupio Bombico


I am currently a researcher at the University of Évora contracted under an Individual CEEC funded by the FCT (2022.01905.CEECIND), integrated into CIDEHUS (Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Culture and Societies) and a collaborator at MED (Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development). I carry out my research in the areas of Roman Archaeology (production and trade of food products, roman maritime economy and roman pottery) and Mediterranean Cultural Heritage. I graduated in Archaeology from the University of Coimbra (2005) and continued my postgraduate studies in Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology at the University of Barcelona (2008). I hold a Master degree in Management and Enhancement of Historical and Cultural Heritage from the University of Évora (2011) and I got my PhD in History (2017) at the same university. I have successfully combined academic research with preventive archaeology activity, in collaboration with public and private entities. I carried out my doctoral studies at CIDEHUS-UEVORA, with a PhD fellowship of FCT (2012-2015). I am a member of the scientific committee of the UNESCO Chair in Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How of the University of Évora, a team I joined in 2015. I have the position of Executive Director of the UNIMED (Mediterranean Universities Union) Office at the Univeristy of Évora since its creation in 2017. Since 2021, I am a board member of SECAH (Sociedad Española de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania). In 2022 I took on the role of deputy director of CIDEHUS.

Present Research
  • Mediterranean Cultural Heritage
Research Interests
  • Mediterranean Diet
  • Food Heritage

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Governance & Development
Montado & Forest Systems

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
FoSaMed - Enhancing Food Safety in the Mediterranean European Commission – Erasmus + Program Universidade de Évora - MED Participant 2021-01-15 2024-01-14 Internacional
SCIEVER - Science for Everyone - Sustainability and Inclusion European Commission - Horizon Europe Universidade de Lisboa(Portugal) Participant 2022-04-01 2024-01-31 Nacional
MEDHEUS - Mediterranean Cultural Heritage in EU Policies European Comission - Erasmus + (Jean Monnet Actions) Univeristy of Évora MED Representative 2022-11-01 2025-10-31 Internacional
CULTIVAR - Promoting sustainable development in tropical islands: strengthening capacities for enhancing cultural heritage, traditional know-how, and local food production European Commission, Erasmus + EDU-2024-CBHE University of Évora MED Representative 2025-01-01 2026-12-31 Internacional