Carla Sofia Borges Pinto Cruz

Carla Sofia Borges Pinto Cruz

Ecology & Biogeography, Integrated in MED
Ecology & Biogeography
Integrated in MED


Assistant professor at the Department of Biology, University of Évora, and researcher at the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture and Environment, research group in Applied Ecology and Conservation and a member of the executive committee of the Master's in Conservation Biology and of the Biology PhD committee. With over 23 years of experience as a botanist, her curriculum focuses on conservation biology, dynamics and ecology of plant Plano de trabalhos Recursos humanos e técnicos 5/8 communities, sustainable management, and recovery of natural habitats. She has coordinated projects related to inventory, monitoring, and development of bioindicators for analyzing the ecological status and conservation of priority habitats under the Habitats Directive. She was the scientific coordinator of the LIFE Charcos project, which promoted the management and ecological recovery of Mediterranean temporary ponds. She also coordinates the BIOMONTADO Project - The Montado and Vineyard Ecosystem, which aims to promote biodiversity and sustainability in the Montado ecosystem. 

Research Interests
  • Flora and vegetation conservation
  • Conservation biology
  • Montado
  • Temporary ponds

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Viticulture & Enology
Olive Groves & Olive Oil
Montado & Forest Systems
Biodiversity & Conservation
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
Plantas Nativas na Cidade – Repensar os Espaços Verdes Urbanos Fundo Ambiental - Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade - Melhoria do conhecimento e do estado de conservação do património natural Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2020-01-01 2020-11-15 Nacional
LIFE ScrubNet - Regeneração e melhoria dos montados através da gestão adequada das áreas de mato/arbustos. European Commission - LIFE Program INNOGESTIONA AMBIENTAL(Espanha) Participant 2021-12-01 2026-08-31 Internacional
BIOMONTADO – O Ecossistema de Montado e a Vinha COMPETE 2020 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2022-04-01 2023-12-31 Nacional