Bruno Filipe Figueiras Medronho

Bruno Filipe Figueiras Medronho

Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Integrated in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Integrated in MED


I have graduated in Chemistry from the University of Coimbra in 2004 and completed the PhD in Macromolecular Chemistry (mixed fellowship), in 2009, in the same institution. During the PhD, I have received 2 years of scientific training in Lund University (Sweden) at the Division of Physical Chemistry (Prof. Ulf Olsson) and have also been an invited guest researcher in Paderborn University (Prof. Claudia Schmidt, Germany) and at Wellington University (Sir Paul Callaghan and Prof. Petrik Galvosas, New Zealand). Within my Postdoc with different companies, I was guest researcher at Swerea IVF, Mölndal (Prof. Bengt Hagström) and at Karlstad University (Prof. Ulf Germgård). I have also been a collaborator of AvanCell (Södra's Research Foundation). In 2012, I became a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Algarve (UAlg) where, since then, I have been coordinating a new research line, focusing on biopolymer dissolution, regeneration and novel materials whose merit and quality was recognized in 2014, with the "Research and Technological Innovation" award delivered by the Portuguese Minister for Agriculture and Sea. I have co-authored of 5 book chapters and published ca. 85 papers in international peer review journals (h-index: 36 and ca. 4824 citations, Google scholar accessed on 30 september 2024). BM was the Guest Editor of the special issue "Cellulose dissolution and regeneration: systems and interactions" published in the Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, "Cellulose and Renewable Materials" and "Cellulose and Lignin Feedstock for Renewable Material published at Polymer (MDPI) and "Towards Sustainable Solutions: Recent Advances in Polyphenol-Based Biomaterials" published at Molecules (MDPI). I currently review several scientific top journals such as Langmuir, Soft Matter, PLOSone, Cellulose, Carbohydrate Polymers, European Polymer Science, Nanoscale, etc. I am the Principal Investigator of the awarded projects "FibraCel" (PTDC/AGR-TEC/4049/2012), "FibraCel2" (PTDC/AGRTEC/4814/2014) and "ReFloRest" (PTDC/ASP-SIL/30619/2017) with a total funding of ca. 600000€. From 2014 until 2018, I have represented UAlg as an associated partner of the "Biopolymer Based Food Delivery Systems-BIBAFOODS" project, an Initial Training Network funded by the FP7-PEOPLE-2013 program where I was involved in the co-supervison of a PhD student. I have been involved in the supervision of 3 diploma thesis, 8 master thesis and 4 PhD thesis. I have been the adviser of 3 postdoctoral fellows. From 2004 to 2010, I have collaborated in the teaching of Colloidal Chemistry I and II and Chemistry of Materials at Coimbra University. Since 2021, I teach the curriculum unit Scientific Methodology and Introduction to the Laboratory, biochemistry course, 1st year. I have ca. 50 oral and poster communications in international conferences, and I have been invited to be a member in 6 PhD evaluation committees at the Universities of Coimbra and Aveiro (Portugal), Lorraine (France) and Alcalá (Spain). Since 2019, I’m Visiting Professor at the Surface and Colloid Engineering group at FSCN in Mid Sweden University, Sweden.

Present Research
  • Bio-based materials
  • Biological activity
  • Polyphenols
  • Cellulose
  • Agroforestry waste
  • Lignin
Research Interests
  • Colloidal Science
  • Bio-based materials
  • Dissolution and regeneration
  • Physical chemistry
  • Rheology
  • Biopolymers

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Montado & Forest Systems
Biodiversity & Conservation
Sustainable Crop Production

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
ReFloRest - Reabilitando Residuos Agrofloestais: Das Interações Intermoleculares em Polifenois Naturais ao Desenvolvimento de Novos Biomateriais de Valor Acrescentado. PTDC 2017; 9471-RIDTI; Silvicultura Universidade do Algarve MED Representative 2018-09-29 2022-09-28 Nacional
2022.07519.PTDC BigSeed PTDC UALG Participant 2023-02-15 2024-08-14 Nacional