António Pedro de Avelar Gonçalves Santos

António Pedro de Avelar Gonçalves Santos

Ecology & Biogeography, Integrated in MED
Ecology & Biogeography
Integrated in MED


Associate Professor with Aggregation at the University of Évora. He works in Natural and Environmental Sciences with an emphasis on Animal Ecology, having interacted with around fifty collaborators in co-authoring scientific works in his professional activities. He is the co-author of two books, having signed around fifty articles published in international journals with scientific arbitration, in the proceedings of scientific meetings with scientific arbitration and other scientific dissemination and technical popularization publications. He was a guest speaker at around twenty national and international scientific meetings. As a team member and coordinator at the University of Évora, he participated in approximately two dozen scientific research and experimental development projects. After completing his doctorate, he became a professor responsible for more than a dozen 1st Cycle curricular units, including "Animal Ecology", "Ecology of Agro-Livestock Production", "Applied Ecology and Hunting Planning", "Terrestrial Ecosystems " and "Ecotourism". He was also a teacher responsible for 2nd and 3rd Cycle curricular units offered at the University of Évora and other universities in the country and abroad, highlighting "Management of Faunistic Resources, terrestrial vertebrates" included in the study plan of the Doctoral Program in "Analysis and Ecosystem Management" offered by the University of Jaén, Spain. He supervised/co-supervised several five-year Bachelor's degree projects and around a dozen Master's theses, all completed. He was jury president, examiner, guiding member and member of more than fifty academic juries for Degrees, 2nd and 3rd Cycles in tests held at the University of Évora and other national universities. He was a member of different management and scientific-pedagogical bodies at the University of Évora, with emphasis on the Senate, the Pedagogical Council, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mediterranean Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Scientific-Pedagogical Council of the Institute for Research and Advanced Training. He was Director of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences from April 2013 to April 2017. Elected Director of the Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning for two consecutive terms: 2017/2018 and 2019/2020. Director of the Degree in Ecology and Environment offered by the University of Évora since May 2021.

Present Research
  • Population estimation
  • Human wildlife conflict
  • Crop damages
  • Habitat restoration
  • ungulates
  • Wildlife-livestock interactions
Research Interests
  • Landscape ecology
  • Animal ecology
  • Habitat restoration
  • Wildlife management
  • Ecotourism
  • Wildlife conservation

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Animal Production & Health
Montado & Forest Systems
Biodiversity & Conservation

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
MOVERCULOSIS - Combining animal behaviour and movement to assess the influence of wildlife-livestock interactions on the spatio-temporal transmission risk of animal tuberculosis FCT - Projetos de IC&DT em todos os Domínios Científicos - 2022 Universidade de Évora Participant 2023-01-01 2025-12-31 Nacional
Zimbral for LIFE - A preservar os zimbrais dunares LIFE - Nature and Biodiversity Universidade de Évora Participant 2022-10-01 2028-09-30 Internacional