António Fernando Bento Dias

António Fernando Bento Dias

Soil, Water, Plant & Farming Technology, Integrated in MED
Soil, Water, Plant & Farming Technology
Integrated in MED


Graduated in Animal Production Enginnering from University of Évora in 1991. PhD in Rural Engineering from University of Évora in 2006. Lecturer at the University of Évora from 1991 until 2006. Assistent professor at the Department of Rural Engineering since december 2006. Teaches several undergraduate and master's courses in the scientific area of biosystems engineering. The research area has been agricultural mechanization, mainly olive pruning mechanization and mechanical olive harvesting. Also developed research in the mechanical pruning of pear and almond orchards. carried out development and testing of prototypes for mechanival olive harvesting and also for removing by-products from pear orchards. Recently was involved in the valorization of olive by-products through the production of compost and testing equipment for its application in the olive grove.


Present Research
  • Olive by-products valorization
  • Mechanization
  • Olive by-products valorization
  • Mechanization
  • Olive training systems
  • Mechanical Olive Harvesting;
  • Olive training systems
  • Mechanical Olive Harvesting
  • Mechanical almond pruning.
  • Mechanical olive pruning;
  • Mechanical almond pruning
  • Mechanical olive pruning
Research Interests
  • Olive growing
  • Olive training systems
  • Mechanical olive harvesting;
  • Olive training systems
  • Mechanical olive harvesting
  • Mechanical olive pruning;
  • Mechanization
  • Mechanical olive pruning
  • Mechanization
  • Olive by-products valorization
  • Olive growing
  • Olive by-products valorization

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Sustainable Crop Production

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
A Protecção Integrada do olival alentejano. Contributos para a sua inovação e melhoria contra os seus inimigos-chave Portugal 2020 - Alentejo 2020 Universidade de Évora Participant 2016-05-05 2020-02-04 Nacional
GO Poda Mecanizada - Poda mecanizada e colheita em contínuo de olivais de variedades portuguesas Portugal 2020 - PDR 2020 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2019-01-10 2021-12-31 Nacional
ProtecEstenfilio Portugal 2020 - PDR 2020 COTHN MED Representative 2017-01-01 2021-12-31 Nacional
QualFastNut - Utilização da espectroscopia NIR para a análise rápida da qualidade em frutos secos Portugal 2020 - Alentejo 2020 Universidade de Évora Participant 2020-10-16 2022-10-15 Nacional
TECOLIVE - Técnicas e tecnologia para valorização de subprodutos em olivicultura Portugal 2020 - PDR 2020 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2019-01-09 2021-12-31 Nacional
HIBA - Hub IBeria Agrotech: creación de un ecosistema Plurirregional para la Agrodigitalización a través de los Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) INTERREG - INTERREG V Junta de Andalucía - CAGPDS(Espanha) Participant 2018-07-01 2023-07-31 Internacional
PEGADA 4.0 - Sustentabilidade da Atividade Agrícola Suportada por Processos e Tecnologias Inteligentes PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência Universidade de Évora Participant 2022-10-01 2025-09-30 Nacional
INOVCIRCOLIVE - Inovação e Circularidade no Setor Oleícola Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - PRR Universidade de Évora Participant 2023-01-01 2025-09-30 Nacional