Sara Maria Lopes dos Santos

Sara Maria Lopes dos Santos

Ecology & Biogeography, Integrated in MED
Ecology & Biogeography
Integrated in MED


Much of my research is related to conservation biology and road ecology, and in particular to how wildlife uses the environment and landscape.

Since 2011 I have been working with the ecological effects of roads on wildlife. Specifically, I am interested in evaluating the barrier effect of roads on animal movements and how these structures influence the functional connectivity of the landscape and the persistence of populations. Another topic that interests me is the role of roadsides (and their management) as providers of ecosystem services.

More recently, the opportunity arose to work in the field of disease ecology. I am interested in understanding how the spatial ecology of wildlife can influence the risk of transmission of pathogens at the interface between domestic and wildlife. I seek to determine patterns of distribution, abundance and aggregation of wild species and how they respond to different management options.

Present Research
  • spatial modeling
  • road ecology
  • disease ecology
  • movement ecology
Research Interests
  • disease ecology
  • spatial modeling
  • movement ecology
  • road ecology
  • landscape connectivity
  • mammal conservation

Personal Information

Institutional Email Send Message
Landline / Extension24492
Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Montado & Forest Systems
Biodiversity & Conservation
Animal Production & Health

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
MOVERCULOSIS - Combining animal behaviour and movement to assess the influence of wildlife-livestock interactions on the spatio-temporal transmission risk of animal tuberculosis FCT - Projetos de IC&DT em todos os Domínios Científicos - 2022 Universidade de Évora MED Representative 2023-01-01 2025-12-31 Nacional