Maria João Pires de Bastos Cabrita

Maria João Pires de Bastos Cabrita

Food Science & Technology, Integrated in MED
Food Science & Technology
Integrated in MED


Mª. JOÃO CABRITA obtained her degree in Food Science (1991) and MSc in Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilization (1994) at Technical University of Lisbon. Her PhD in Agrarian Sciences was obtained at 2004, and Habilitation in 2015, both at Évora University. She is now Associated Professor at Crop Science Department at Évora University (ÉU), researcher and vice-director of MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development. She is also researcher at CHANGE - Instituto para as Alterações Globais e Sustentabilidade. She is head of Enology Laboratory from MED-UE.

For the last years, her research was focused on wine and olive oil chemistry mainly aroma and colour compounds, and chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques. She has co-authored ten book chapters and 56 articles in peer-review journals. She was PI of two projects (2016-2020), one national (PTDC/AGRPRO/2003/2014 - Por3O - Portuguese Olive Oil Omics for traceability and authenticity) and one international (ARIMNet2 – MedOOmics - Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oil Omics: profiling and fingerprinting) and researcher at 4 ongoing projects. Currently she is the coordinator of UÉ participation in Vine and Wine Portugal - Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation (Consórcio V&W Portugal) with 4 sub-projects: Biogrape Sustain, Solvit, MikS4Vine, and PPP4Vine Biocontrol. She is also a research member in - PSSA Programa de Sustentabilidade do Azeite do Alentejo.

During her researcher career she has been mainly dedicated to wine technology and wine chemistry, in line with her teaching career mainly around wine technology, stabilization and sensory analysis in Enology (1st cycle) Viticulture and Enology (master) and Food Science (PhD program).  Currently she also supervises or co-supervises 7 PhD students.


Present Research
  • mass spectrometry
  • varietal characterization
  • chromatography
Research Interests
  • olive oil
  • technology
  • phenolic composition
  • volatile composition
  • wine

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
MIP2Sensors .: De Polímeros Molecularmente Impressos a sensores ópticos baseados em MIPs: uma ferramenta light-up para a análise de pesticidas em azeite Portugal 2020 - SAICT Universidade de Évora Participant 2020-03-02 2023-03-01 Nacional
PSAA - Programa de Sustentabilidade do Azeite do Alentejo Portugal 2020 - Alentejo 2020 Olivum - Associação de Olivicultores do Sul(Portugal) Participant 2021-10-01 2023-06-30 Nacional
Agenda Mobilizadora: Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation (Vine and Wine Portugal) Gran Cruz Porto-Sociedade Comercial de Vinhos Lda MED Representative 2022-07-22 2025-12-31 Nacional
Use of grapevine and microbiome diversity for sustainable production – BioGrapeSustain. Vine&Wine – SubProject Proposal – Project 81 University of Évora MED Representative 2022-07-22 2025-12-31 Nacional