Maria Catarina Murteira Rico dos Santos Campos

Maria Catarina Murteira Rico dos Santos Campos

Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology, Integrated in MED
Plant Protection, Genetics & Biotechnology
Integrated in MED


PhD in Ciências Biomédicas in 2013/11/29 by Universidade do Porto, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar. Mestrado in Biologia e Ecologia do Litoral Marinho in 2007/12/17 by Universidade de Évora. Licenciatura in Biologia in 2003/12/18 by Universidade de Évora. I am a biologist that in the course of my PhD and post-doctoral work have been dedicated to the study of organisms epigenetic mechanisms in response to environmental constraints and to the investigation of the molecular interactions of plant-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) towards tolerance to external stresses. During the last 5 years the core of my work stands on the bioinformatic analysis of plant and AMF high-throughput sequencing data, regarding a further understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating plant responses to abiotic stress (mRNA transcriptome, miRNAs). I have participated in several projects regarding how plants in symbiosis with different AMF respond to manganese stress and heat stress. Several papers as first author have been published/submitted. I am also participant in projects that aim to unravel the interactions between plants and their pathogens, and potential symbionts for applied management of host pests. Furthermore, I have contributed for studies regarding the molecular regulation of olive adventitious rooting and olive auxin transporters. I am (co)author of 25 published papers mostly in Q1, counting more than 400 citations. I have an h-index of 12 (Scopus), and I am a regular reviewer of scientific manuscripts. I have edited a special issue on Biology (IF 5.079, Q1) and I currently edit the special issue "Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Plant Plasticity upon Environmental Stresses" on the journal Plants (IF 4.658, Q1) and the special issue "New Advances in Molecular Diagnostics of Crop Pathogens"  in the journal Biology. I am a Reviewer Editor for the Section Plant Symbiotic Interactions in Frontiers in Plant Science. Since 2019 I lecture on the UCs Melhoramento e Biotecnologia Vegetal (Master in Agronomics) and Plant Biotechnology (Degree in Biotechnology), at the University of Évora. 

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Biodiversity & Conservation
Irrigated Agriculture
Viticulture & Enology
Olive Groves & Olive Oil
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

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