Adélia Sousa

Adélia Sousa

Soil, Water, Plant & Farming Technology, Integrated in MED
Soil, Water, Plant & Farming Technology
Integrated in MED


Professor at the School of Science and Technology at University of Évora, Portugal. Assistant Professor at the University of Évora and member of Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development (MED). She has been working in the last 20 years in the application of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing data in natural resources management. The focus is mainly on forest parameter estimation with remote sensing data and precision agriculture. She has participated in multidisciplinary national and international projects. Author/co-author of several papers indexed in ISI/SCOPUS and national and international publications such as book chapters and conference proceedings. She teaches mainly Remote Sensing, GIS and Geomatics at the University of Évora

Present Research
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Land Use/Land cover
  • Smart Farming
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Forest biomass estimation
Research Interests
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Remote Sensing
  • Forest biomass estimation
  • Land Use/Land cover
  • Technologies of Geographic Information

Personal Information

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Montado & Forest Systems
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

Publications & Patents



Project Funding Lead Institution Role Start End Scope
SPARKLE - Sustainable Precision Agriculture Erasmus + Program University of Florence (IT) Participant 2018-01-01 2020-12-31 Internacional
IDERCEXA - Investigación, Desarrollo y Energías Renovables para nuevos modelos empresariales en Centro, Extremadura y Alentejo INTERREG V A España Portugal (POCTEP) Agencia Extremeña de la Energía (AGENEX) MED Representative 2017-07-01 2020-09-30 Internacional
INNOACE - Innovacion abierta e inteligente en la rede EUROACE INTERREG/POCTEP CICYTEX Participant 2017-07-01 2020-06-30 Internacional
NEGHTRA-Next Generation Training on Intelligent Greenhouses European Commission | Erasmus + University of Patras Participant 2020-07-30 2023-07-30 Internacional
BIOma - BIOma - Soluções integradas de BIOeconomia para a Mobilização da cadeia Agroalimentar Portugal 2020 - SI - Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico(SI I&DT) Campotec In - Conservação e Transformação de Hortofrutícolas S.A. Participant 2020-07-01 2023-06-30 Nacional
TANGO-Circular - Training A New Generation Of farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs to implement the concept of Circular economy in agriculture European Commission - ERASMUS + Participant 2022-07-01 2025-06-30 Internacional
SenseProTomate - Uso de deteção remota na identificação da presença de doenças e avaliação da qualidade em tomate Fundación \\\"la CAIXA\\\" - Concurso de projetos I&D Mobilizadores Universidade de Évora Participant 2023-01-01 2026-07-01 Internacional
HIBA - Hub IBeria Agrotech: creación de un ecosistema Plurirregional para la Agrodigitalización a través de los Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) INTERREG - INTERREG V Junta de Andalucía - CAGPDS(Espanha) Participant 2018-07-01 2023-07-31 Internacional
PEGADA 4.0 - Sustentabilidade da Atividade Agrícola Suportada por Processos e Tecnologias Inteligentes PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência Universidade de Évora Participant 2022-10-01 2025-09-30 Nacional
FUEL-SAT - Integração de dados de diferentes satelites para mapear combustiveis florestais: o papel da detecção remota para uma efectiva gestão dos combustiveis florestais Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Universidade de Évora Participant 2021-03-21 2025-03-20 Nacional
Innovative market based Trust for Energy Efficiency investments in industry Comissão Europeia AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies MED Representative 2016-02-01 2019-07-31 Internacional
CILIFO: Centro Ibérico de Investigação e Combate aos Incêndios Florestais INTERREG Junta de Andalucía MED Representative 2018-04-01 2021-12-31 Internacional
Tecnologias avanzadas, innovadoras y digitales para el sector agroalimentario de la euroace 3.ª Convocatória POCTEP - OP1 Uma Europa mais inteligente | OE1.1. CICYTEX-Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas de Extremadura Participant 2024-01-01 2026-12-31 Internacional