The V IBERIAN CONGRESS ON DEHESAS AND EL MONTADO will be held on 29 and 30 October 2024 in the city of Évora. This forum, which brings together managers, owners, companies, associations, researchers, administrations and other organisations linked to this ecosystem, will reflect on business models and solutions that could open up new paths for these unique systems threatened by climate change and low profitability. Using this common thread, it will also analyse strategies for their management in a context of climate change, as well as challenges and opportunities for profitability related to biodiversity, ecosystem services and ecological requirements.

The Congress will include oral presentations and panel discussions, areas for exhibiting scientific posters, projects related to Dehesa-Montado, and short videos presenting innovations, good practices or initiatives that contribute to the design of sustainable solutions (more information at https://congresodehesamontado.com/language/pt/submissao/). For those interested, the programme also includes a visit to a dehesa farm with a demonstration and discussion of the management model.

In addition to the planned oral presentations and panel discussions, the event will have areas dedicated to the following activities:

  • Exhibition of scientific/technical papers in poster format presenting experiences and research on innovative aspects related to Dehesa-Montado (abstract submission until 20 SEP).
  • Dissemination of (ongoing) research/demonstration/dissemination projects related to Dehesa-Montado (submission of abstracts by 20 SEP).
  • Dissemination of short videos presenting innovations, good practices, business models, projects and other initiatives that could be a source of inspiration in designing solutions towards a profitable and sustainable Montado (by 30 SEP).

Registration for the Congress is free and must be made using this form.

More detailed information on the proposal submission process can be found at https://congresodehesamontado.com/language/pt/submissao/.

More information about the event on the website: https://congresodehesamontado.com/

This edition is being organised by the University of Évora – MED, InnogestionaAmbiental, CICYTEX, Junta de Extremadura, Montado Living Lab, with the support of the University of Extremadura, ACTYVA, FEDEHESA, CEBAL and ACOS. It takes place in the context of the INTERREG POCTEP SOS_PRODEHESAMONTADO cross-border cooperation project.