Laboratory of Microbiology


Services, Research and Teaching in the field of Microbiology


Maria Cristina Calhau Queiroga


Maria Cristina Calhau Queiroga

Elsa Maria Leclerc Duarte


Elsa Maria Leclerc Duarte

Maria I. S. C. P. Rouxinol


Maria I. S. C. P. Rouxinol

Marta Laranjo


Marta Laranjo

Maria E. M. M. S. Potes


Maria E. M. M. S. Potes

Sara Isabel Ricardo Rodrigues

Researcher - PhD Student

Sara Isabel Ricardo Rodrigues

Inês Prata Pereira de Mira

Researcher - PhD Student

Inês Prata Pereira de Mira

Tânia Salomé Dias Lagoa

Researcher - PhD Student

Tânia Salomé Dias Lagoa

Sara M. P. Conceição

Researcher - PhD Student

Sara M. P. Conceição


Universidade de Évora- Pólo da Mitra
Complexo do Hospital Veterinário
Apartado 94
7006-554 Évora, Portugal


Research lines and funded projects

1) Research on Food Quality and SafetyImprovement of food quality and safety in traditional meat products, cheeses, and fruits, such as table olives, with the use of starter cultures and/or essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants.

- “FoSaMed - Enhancing Food Safety in the Mediterranean”, Ref: 618518-EPP-1-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

- PIMENTO - Promoting Innovation of ferMENTed fOods. Cost Action CA 20128.

- “SCREAM-R: Screening Antimicrobial Resistance”. Circular 05/2020-Projetos inovadores e exploratórios no âmbito das linhas temáticas do MED.

- DM4you - Potencial da Dieta Mediterrânica no aumento da qualidade de vida: + saúde + sustentabilidade (PRR-C05-i03-I-000152). Aviso de candidatura: Aviso de candidatura; 12/C05-i03/2021.

- SUMO - Sustentabilidade do Montado (PRR-C05-i03-I-000066). Aviso de candidatura: 10/ C05–i03/2021.

LIFE MERCURY-FREE - Complex Awareness Raising and Behaviour Change for the Mercury-Free City Environment (LIFE21-GIE-PL-LIFE MERCURY-FREE). Concurso a Projetos LIFE, Tópico LIFE-2021-SAP-ENV-GOV, Call LIFE-2021-SAP-ENV.

ICAPP - Investigação em carnes alentejanas de porco preto. Projeto POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072109.

ECO-PIG - Desenvolvimento de uma mistura alimentar inovadora para acabamento de machos de raças de suínos autóctones, ao ar livre, com benefício para a qualidade da carne e para a sustentabilidade do sistema. COMPETE-AVISO13/SI/2020.

S4Agro – “Soluções sustentáveis para o setor agroindustrial”. Projeto Aviso 02/SIAC/2019-SIAC (Qualificação) – Candidatura nº 46425.

“Estudo da qualidade da carne de bovinos da raça Cachena”. Projeto PDR2020-101-030803. Financiado pelo Programa Portugal 2020/FEDER, PDR 2020, Grupos Operacionais 1.0.1.


2) Research on Infection and infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and alternative strategies for treatment and control.Study of etiological agents: virulence factors, antimicrobial susceptibility, investigation on new products for treatment and control.

- “NAQUIBIODPSA - Obtenção de Medicamentos Veterinários a partir de Nanopartículas Prata fixadas em Bases Poliméricas de Hidrogéis de Quitosana”, Ref: ALT20-03-0247-FEDER-033578.

-" EQUI MAIS - Melhor produção equina”, Ref: ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-000055.- “Immunomodulation approach to urinary tract infections in motor disabled dogs”


3) Research on human Infection on a One Health approach

- “ARCO - Alentejo Region Applied Research for COVID-19”, Ref: SAICTCOVID/72547/2020


The laboratory supports internships of the following 1st cycle courses: Degree in Biochemistry (Internship BQ), Degree in Biotechnology (Project/Internship in Biotechnology), Degree in Human Biology (Project in Human Biology), Degree in Biology (Project in Biology).

The laboratory also receives students from the following MSc and PhD courses: Integrated MSc in Veterinary Medicine, MSc in Biochemistry, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, PhD in Biochemistry, PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.


Analyses performed in the laboratory:

Microbiological analysis of food

  • Research of Salmonella spp.
  • Research and count of Listeria monocytogenes
  • Counting of total viable microorganisms


Analysis of clinical bacteriology

  • Search and identification of aerobes
  • Search and identification of anaerobes
  • Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing


Clinical Mycology Analysis

  • Culture and identification of pathogenic fungus


The laboratory has a great diversity of equipment to develop both research and teaching activities. We highlight the following:

  • Vitek
  • Camera connected to an inverted microscope, optical microscope, and stereoscopic magnifier
  • GelDocXR+
  • Ultrafreezer
  • Thermal cycler
  • Realtime thermal cycler
  • Centrifuge and refrigerated centrifuge
  • Dry bath
  • Electrophoresis troughs and sources