Laboratory of Parasitology - Victor Caeiro

Helder Carola Espiguinha Cortes

Maria João Martins Vila-Viçosa

Ludovina Neto Padre
About us
The laboratory is located in the building of the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Evora, in Mitra. It is a multipurpose infrastructure supporting teaching, research and service provision.
Main research lines:
- Laboratory maintenance of cell cultures inoculated with Apicomplexa parasites
- Insect populations (simuliids) vector agents of diseases transmitted to humans and animals
- Parasitological study of material from wild animals.
Ongoing projects:
- Assessing emerging zoonotic disease as threats in ecosystems: the case of Montado and Hepatitis E
The Victor Caeiro Laboratory of Parasitology supports the teaching component of theoretical and practical classes in the areas of Veterinary Parasitology, Clinic and Pathology of Parasitic Diseases, Human Parasitology and Notions of Health of the following courses: Integrated Masters in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science and Technology, Human Biology and internships for undergraduate, masters and doctoral degrees.
The Laboratory provides support to entities and companies by performing parasitological analyses.
For specific information regarding the services provided please contact us.