Laboratory of Food Processing

Maria Margarida Cortês Vieira

Rui Mariano Sousa da Cruz

Jorge A. d. S. G. Pereira

Researcher - PhD Student
Carlos Alexandre Ribeiro Lima

Researcher - PhD Student
Rose Daphnee Ngameni Tchonkouang

Researcher - PhD Student
Nathana Lazzarotto Cristofoli
Edição de livros
- Sustainable Innovation in Food Product Design,Vieira, C., Pastrana, L., Aguilera, J. (Eds.), Springer, 2021.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61817-9.
- XII CIBIA 2019. Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering: Challenging food engineering as a driver towards sustainable food processing. Vieira, C. e Cruz, R.M.S. (Eds.) Faro, 1 a 4 de julho de 2019. ISBN: 978-989-8859-75-4.ão%20científica.pdf
- Mediterranean Foods Composition and Processing, Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, C. (Eds.). CRC Press. 2017. ISBN 9780367782771. Scopus.
- Methods in Food Analysis, Cruz, R.M.S., Khmelinskii, I. and Vieira, C. (Eds.). Science Publishers, British Channel Islands, USA. 2014.
- Case Studies in Food Safety and Environmental Health. Ho, P., Vieira, C. (Eds.). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-45679-9
- Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods. Vieira, C., Ho, P. (Eds.). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-68642-4
Capítulos de Livro
- Vieira, C., Pereira, J.A. and Lucher, C. 2008. Pasteurization with a plate Heat Exchanger. Chapter 15 in Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods. Vieira, M.C. and Ho, P. (Eds.). DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-33513-1_15.
- Vieira, C.and Pereira, J.A. 2008. Comparing Air blast and Fluidized Bed Freezing. (2008) Chapter 14 in Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods. Vieira, M.C. and Ho, P.( Eds.), Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-33513-1_14
- Vieira, C.and Pereira, J.A. 2008. Dehydration I - Tray drying of Apples. Chapter 8 in Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods. Vieira, M.C. and Ho, P. Eds., Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-33513-1_8
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C. and Silva, C.L.M. 2009. The effect of ultrasound in food processing, in: Food Processing: Methods, Techniques and Trends. Bellinghouse, V. (Ed.) ISBN 978-1-60692-414-3. Nova Science, New York, USA.
- M.S., Vieira, M.C.and Silva, C.L.M. 2009. The importance of food processing on vitamin C: Present and future trends, in: Vitamins: Daily Requirements, Dietary Sources and Adverse Effects. pp 385-388. Nova Science, New York, USA (Expert Commentary). Scopus
- Cruz, R.M.S., Parra, J.F.R., Fuentes, P.A.U., Torres, J.A. and Vieira, M.C.New food processing technologies: development and impact on the consumer acceptability, in: Food Quality: Control, Analysis and Consumer Concerns. Medina, D.A., Laine, A.M. (Eds.) , pp. 555 - 584. ISBN 978-1-61122-917-2. Nova Publishers, New York, USA. Scopus
- Fuentes, P.A.U., Parra, J.F.R., Cruz, R.M.S., Khmelinskii, I., Brigas, A.F., Figueira, A.C. and Vieira, M.C. Vitamins in section Fruits and Vegetables, in: Practical Food and Research. Cruz, R.M.S. (Ed.). Nova Science, New York, USA. pp. 115 – 152. Scopus
- Rubilar, J.F., Cruz, R.M.S., Khmelinskii, I. and Vieira, M.C. Chitosan films with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties as active packaging. ed. Plasencia, F.P. and Ciesarová, Z., 173 - 202. ISBN: 9781629483443 (e-Book). USA: Nova Publishers. New York, USA.
- Cruz, R.M.S. and Rubilar, J.F. and Khmelinskii, I. and Vieira, M.C. 2013 Nanotechnology in Food Applications: Advances in Food Science and Technology Volume 1, Sabu, T., Visakh, P.M., Laura B.I., and Ribotta, P.D. (Eds.). Scrivener Publishing, Massachusetts, USA.DOI: 1002/9781118659083.ch3 . Scopus
- Neves, Filipa I, Vieira, M.M. and Silva, C.L.M. 2014. Effects of UV Pre-Treatments on Frozen Vegetables Quality in: UV Radiation: Properties, Effects and Applications, Radosevich, J.A. (Ed.) pp. 13-36. ISBN: 978-1-63321-093. USA: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 978-163321093-6, 978-163321090-5. Scopus
- Cruz, R.M.S., Khmelinskii, I. and Vieira, M.C.Ultrasound applications in food technology: Equipment, combined processes and effects on safety and quality parameters, in: Advances in Food Science and Nutrition-Volume 2, Sabu, T., Visakh, P.M., Laura B.I., and Ribotta, P.D. (Eds.). Scrivener Publishing, Massachusetts, USA. DOI: 10.1002/9781118865606.CH13.
- Cruz, R.M.S., Brito, R., Smirniotis, P., Nikolaidou, Z. and Vieira, M.M.C. 2017, Chapter 11 - Extraction of Bioactive Compounds From Olive Leaves Using Emerging Technologies, in: Handbook of Food Bioengineering, Grumezescu, A.M., and Holban, A.M. (Eds.). Academic Press, 2017, pp. 441-461, Ingredients Extraction by Physicochemical Methods in Food, ISBN 9780128115213, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-811521-3.00011-9. Scopus
- Cruz, R.M.S., Alves, V., Khmelinskii, I. and Vieira, M.C. 2017. New food packaging systems in: Food Packaging and Preservation. 1st Grumezescu, A.M., and Holban, A.M. (Eds.). ISBN: 9780128115169. Academic Press:pp. 588.
- Cruz, R.M.S., Rico, B.P.M., Vieira, M.C. 9-Food packaging and migration. In: Food Quality and Shelf Life. Galanakis C.M. (Ed.). Academic Press; San Diego, CA, USA: 2019. pp. 281–301. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-817190-5.00009-4. Scopus
- Tchonkouang, R.D.N., Antunes, M.D.C. and Vieira, M.M.C. 2022. Potential of carotenoids from fresh tomatoes and their availability in: processed tomato-based products in carotenoids - new perspectives and application. Martínez-Espinosa, R.M. (Ed.). Intechopen DOI:10.5772/intechopen.103933. Scopus
- Cristofoli, N., Lima, A.R.,Vieira, M.C., 2023. Life Cycle Assessment: A tool to Evaluate the environmentalimpact of nanomaterials used in packaging in “Postharvest Nanotechnology for Fresh Horticultural Produce: Innovations and Applications”. Radhakrishnan,E.K., Jose, A., and Pareek, S. (Eds.) Taylor and Francis. Accepted for publication.
Publicações em revistas científicas com revisão por pares
- Silva F.M., Gibbs P., VieiraC. and Silva C.L.M. (1999). “Thermal inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores under different temperatures, soluble solids and pH conditions for the design of fruit processes“. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 51(2/3):95-103. Scopus. WOS .Q1
- Vieira, M.M.C., Teixeira, A.A. and Silva, C.L.M. (2000). Mathematical modelling of the Thermal degradation kinetics of total Vitamin C in cupuaçu (Theobroma Grandiflorum), nectar. Journal of Food Engineering, 43: 1-7. Scopus. WOS Q1
- Vieira, M.M.C., Teixeira, A.A. and Silva, C.L.M. (2001). “Kinetic parameters estimation for ascorbic acid degradation in fruit nectar using the Paired Equivalent Isothermal Exposures (PEIE) method under non-isothermal continuous heating conditions”. Biotechnology Progress, 17:175-181. WOS Q1
- Vieira, M.M.C., Teixeira, A.A., Silva, F.M., Gaspar, N. and Silva, C.L.M. (2002). “Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores as a target for Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar thermal processing: kinetic parameters and experimental methods”. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 77(1/2): 71-81. Scopus. WOS Q1
- Vieira, M.C. and Silva, C.L.M. (2004). “Optimization of a cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar formulation”. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 27(3): 181-196. 1111/j.1745-4530.2004.tb00629.x Scopus. WOS Q2
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C. and Silva, C.L.M. (2006). “Effect of heat and thermosonication treatments on peroxidase inactivation kinetics in watercress (Nasturtium officinale)”. Journal of Food Engineering 72, 8-15. 1016/j.jfoodeng.2004.11.007 Scopus. WOS Q1
- Vieira, M.M.C., Matias, S.I. and Ramalho, C. (2006). “Role of ODL on sharing pilot plant resources among European Food Engineering Universities”. European Journal of Open Distance and e-learning ISSN 1027-5207.
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C. & Silva, C.L.M., (2007). “Modelling kinetics of watercress colour (Nasturtium officinale) changes due to heat and thermosonication treatments”. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. Volume 8, Issue 2, 244-252. DOI: 1016/j.ifset.2007.01.003 Scopus. WOS Q1
- Cruz, R.M.S.Vieira, C. & Silva, C.L.M., (2008). Effect of heat and thermosonication treatments on watercress (Nasturtium officinale) vitamin C degradation kinetics. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 9 (4), 483-488. doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2007.10.005. Scopus WOS Q1
- Oliveira, S.R., Cruz, R. M. S., Vieira, M. C., Gaspar, M. N., and Silva, C. L.M. (2009). "Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa behaviour in frozen watercress (Nasturtium officinale) temperature abuses", International Journal of Refrigeration, 32 (3), 472-477. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2008.08.002. Scopus. WOS Q1
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, C. & Silva, C.L.M., (2009). Effect of cold chain temperature abuses on the quality of frozen watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.). Journal of Food Engineering, 94, (1), 90-97. DOI:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2009.03.006. Scopus WOS Q1
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C., & Silva, C.L.M. 2009. The response of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) to vacuum impregnation: effect of an antifreeze protein type I. Journal of Food Engineering, 95, 339–345. DOI:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2009.05.013. Scopus WOS Q1
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C., Fonseca, S.C. & Silva, C.L.M. 2011. Impact of thermal blanching and thermosonication treatments on watercress (Nasturtium officinale) quality: process optimisation and microstructure evaluation. Food and Bioprocess Technology: Volume 4, Issue 7, 1197-1204. DOI:1007/s11947-009-0220-0. Scopus WOS Q1
- Figueira, A.C., Makinde, O. Vieira, M.C. Process Optimisation of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Puree as an Ingredient in a Formulation of Weaning Food in: Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology. Focus on sweet potato, pp. 25 - 34. ISBN 978-4-903313-82-5. Japão: Global Science Books. Invited Review.
- Neves, F.I.G, Vieira, M.C. and Silva, C.L.M. 2012. Inactivation kinetics of peroxidase in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) by heat and UV-C radiation. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 13, 158–162. DOI:1016/j.ifset.2011.10.013. Scopus WOS Q1
- Rubilar, J.F., Cruz, R.M.S., Khmelinskii, I. and Vieira, M.C. Effect of antioxidant and optimal antimicrobial mixtures of carvacrol, grape seed extract and chitosan on different spoilage microorganisms and their application as coatings on different food matrices. International Journal of Food Studies, 2, 22-38. DOI:10.7455/ijfs/2.1.2013.a2. Scopus Not indexed.
- Rubilar, J.F., F.J., Cruz R.M.S., Khmelinskii, I.V. and Vieira, M.C. Physical- Chemical Properties of chitosan films with grapeseed extract and carvacrol. Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 115, Issue 4, 466–474. DOI:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.07.009. Scopus. WOS Q1
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C. and Silva, C.L.M. 2013. The impact of cold chain temperature abuses on the quality of frozen strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa). International Journal of Food Studies, 2, 60-68. Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C. and Silva, C.L.M. (2013).DOI:10.7455/ijfs/2.1.2013.a5. Scopus. Not indexed.
- Vieira, M.C. and Silva, C.L.M. 2014. Stability of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar during storage. International Journal of Food Studies, 3, 160-174. DOI:10.7455/ijfs/3.2.2014.a3. Scopus. Not indexed.
- Cruz, R.M.S., Godinho, A.I.A., Aslan, D., Koçak, N.F. and Vieira, M.C. Modelling the kinetics of peroxidase inactivation, colour and texture changes of Portuguese cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC) during UV-C light and heat blanching. International Journal of Food Studies, 5, 180-192. DOI:10.7455/ijfs/5.2.2016.a6 Scopus. Not indexed.
- Rubilar, J.F., Cruz, R.M.S., Khmelinskii, I., Zuniga, R.N. and Vieira, M.C. 2017. Mathematical modeling of gallic acid release from chitosan films with grape seed extract and carvacrol. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 104 197–203. DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.05.187. Scopus. WOS Q2
- Flynn, K. M., Vieira, M. M. C., Ho, P. and Dalla Rosa. Food science and technology students self-evaluate soft and technical skills. International Journal of Food Studies, 6, 2, 129-138. DOI: 10.7455/ijfs/6.2.2017.a1 Scopus. Not indexed Q4
- Alves, V.L., Rico, B.P.,Cruz, R.M., Vicente, A.A., Khmelinskii, I. and Vieira, M.C. "Preparation and characterization of a chitosan film with grape seed extract-carvacrol microcapsules and its effect on the shelf-life of refrigerated Salmon (Salmo salar), LWT - Food Science and Technology 525 - 534 DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2017.11.013. Scopus. WOS Q1
- Cristofoli, N.L., Lima, C. A.R., Vieira, M. M. C., Andrade, K.S., Ferreira, S.R.S. 2018. Antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of cajazeira leaves (Spondias mombin) extracts. Separation Science and Technology, 54, 4, 580–590. DOI: 1080/01496395.2018.1508233 Scopus WOS Q3
- Neves, F.I.G, Silva, C.L.M. and Vieira, M.C. 2019. Combined pretreatments effects on zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) squash microbial load reduction. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 305 DOI:1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2019.108257. Scopus. WOS Q1
- Lima, A.R., Cristofoli, N.L., Venerala, J.G., Fritz, A.R.M., and Vieira, M.C. 2019. Optimization Conditions of UV-C Radiation Combined with Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Cherry Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Lycopene Extract. International Journal of Food Studies, 8, 2, 65-80. DOI: 7455/ijfs/8.2.2019.a7. Scopus. Not indexed Q3
- Delgado, A. Issaoui, M.; Vieira, M.C.; Saraiva de Carvalho, I.; Fardet, A. 2021. Food Composition Databases: Does It Matter to Human Health? Nutrients, 13, 8 2816. DOI: 3390/nu13082816. Scopus WOS Q1
- Lima, A.R., Cristofoli, N.L., Filippidis, K., Barreira, L. and Vieira, M.C. Shelf-life study of a Salicornia ramosissima vegetable salt: An alternative to kitchen salt. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 45:e14154. DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.14154. Scopus WOS Q2
- Vilas-Boas AM, Brassesco ME, Quintino AC, Vieira MC, Brandão TRS, Silva CLM, Azevedo M, Pintado M. 2022. Particle Size Effect of Integral Carob Flour on Bioaccessibility of Bioactive Compounds during Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion. Foods, 11(9):1272. DOI:10.3390/foods11091272. Scopus WOS Q1
- Lima, A.R., Cristofoli, N.L., Rosa da Costa, A.M., Saraiva, J.A. and Vieira, M.C. 2022. Comparative study of the production of cellulose nanofibers from agro-industrial waste streams of Salicornia ramosissima by acid and enzymatic treatment. Food and Bioproducts Processing, DOI:10.1016/j.fbp.2022.11.012. Scopus WOS Q1
- Cristofoli, N.L., Lima, A.R., Rosa da Costa, A.M., Evtyugin, D., Silva, C., Varela, J. and Vieira M.C. Structural characterization of exopolysaccharides obtained from Porphyridium cruentum exhausted culture medium. Food and Bioproducts Processing. DOI:10.1016/j.fbp.2023.02.001. Scopus WOS Q1
Publicações em livro de conferências, editoriais, prefácios e expert commentary com revisão por pares
- Vieira, M.C., Silva, C.L.M. and Teixeira, A.A. 1998. “Kinetic parameters estimation using the Paired Equivalent Isothermal Exposures (PEIE) Method under non-isothermal heating conditions”. Proceedings of the symposium: Congresso Chempor'98, Lisboa, Portugal, 24 to 26 September.
- Cruz, R.M., Oliveira, S.R., Fraqueza, G., Figueira, A.C., Silva, C.L.M., & Vieira, M.C. Thermal Inactivation Kinetics of Peroxidase in Watercress (Nasturtium officinale). 4th National Post-Harvest Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 2-5 Otubro 2002.
- Cruz, R.M., Oliveira, S.R., Figueira, A.C., Silva, C.L.M. e Vieira, M.C. Effect of Temperature Abuses on the Colour of Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) during the Cold Chain. 6th Food Chemistry Meeting, IPIFARMA – Lisbon, 22-25 June. Book of proceedings.
- Cruz, R.M., Vieira, M.C., & Silva, C.L.M. 2004. Inactivation Kinetics of Peroxidase in Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) by Heat and Thermosonication. European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 27-29 October.
- Portela, M., Silva, C.L.M., Brandão, T.R.S., Gonçalves, E.M., Abreu, M., Oliveira, A.J., Gaspar, N.P. and Vieira, M.C. Processing zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) with low UV-C radiation. Proceedings of the symposium: "7º Encontro da Química dos Alimentos", Viseu, Portugal, 13 to 16 April.
- Costa, J. E. S., Ponte, M. A. S., Morais, P. N., Gonçalves, Vera L. S., Anastácio, Ana e Vieira, M.C. 2005. “Barra de cereais regional". 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viseu, 13-15 de April.
- Cardoso, P. A. S., Costa M. I., Paulino, S. I. L., Soares, K. S. A., Anastácio, Ana e Vieira, M. C. Enriched Cider with Calcium and Phosphorus - Investigation and Development. Proceedings of the Symposium: "7º Encontro da Química dos Alimentos", Viseu, Portugal, 13 to 16 April.
- Barros, T.; Mateus, T.; Santos, A.; Pinto, W; Dias, J.; Vieira, M.M.C. and Figueira, A. C. (2015). Acidificação de alimentos semi-húmidos para atum como estratégica de controlo microbiológico: efeitos no valor nutricional. XV Congreso Nacional e I Congreso Ibérico de Acuicultura, Huelva, Espanha, outubro.
- Mateus, T., Barros, T., Rodrigues, V., Santos, A. Dias, J., Figueira, A.C. and Vieira, M.M.C.. Microbiological characterization of Ingredients and soft-textured high performance diets for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Aquaculture Europe 2015, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Krištić T., Cruz, R., Vieira, M. The effect of spray drying on physicochemical parameters of prickly pear juice. Communications in scientific meetings. Međunarodni Kongres Nutricionista. p. 107.
- Cruz, R.M.S., Vieira, M.C. 2017. Mediterranean Foods: Composition and Processing, pp.
- Tchonkouang, R.D.N., Borges, A.A.M. Vieira, M.M.C. (2020) Moisture sorption isotherms of coriander leaves and estimation of shelf life of dried coriander leaves (Coriandrum sativum). Paper presented in 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-industry 2020 FOODSIM'2020, Ghent. Scopus
- Vieira, M.C.; Silva, C.L.M.; Lopez-Gutierrez, G.; Erdogdu, F. 2021. Role of Food Engineering in Sustainability. Journal of Food Engineering, 312. DOI: 1016/j.jfoodeng.2021.110749 Q1 (Editorial) Scopus
- Cruz, R.M. S. Cruz, Silva, C.L.M., Vieira, M. C. 2022. CIBIA XII—Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, e14028, 2019. Journal of Food Process Engineering DOI: 1111/jfpe.14028. Q2 (Editorial) Scopus
FunTomP - Functionalised Tomato Products
PRIMA, Research and Innovation Actions (RIA)
Innovation Actions (IA)
01/06/21 - 01/06/25
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
PI in Portugal - Margarida Vieira (ISE/UALG)
Alphamais: Desenvolvimento de novos preparados alimentares e ingredientes funcionais à base de alfarroba
AVISO Nº 31/SI/2017Projetos em Co-Promoção Programa Interface
11/2019 - 03/2023
Decorgel Produtos Alimentares S.A. (DCG), ESB/UCP, ISE/UAlg
PI in ISE/UALG - Margarida Vieira (ISE/UALG)
Desenvolvimento de sobremesas de alfarroba (Grand Carob)
PT2020, medida de Vale Incubação
10/2018 - 11/2019
PI - Margarida Vieira
Plantas Extremófilas para a Cozinha Gourmet (XtremeGourmet)
17676 - FEDER através do Programa Operacional CRESC Algarve 2020 do Portugal2020
01/09/2016 - 31/08/2019
RiaFresh, ISE/UAlg, FCT/UAlg
PI -Luisa Barreira
PI no ISE - Margarida Vieira
Active and intelligent fiber-based packaging - innovation and market introduction (ActInPak)
CA FP1405
Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency
20/03/2015 - 19/03/2019
Margarida Vieira - ISE/UALG
Mathematical and Computer Science Methods for Food Science and Industry (FoodMC)
Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency
Margarida Vieira - ISE/UALG
Projeto n.º 4.989
Concurso n.º 12/SI/2015 I&DT Empresarial (Vale I&D)
ISE/UAlg -Margarida Vieira
Desenvolvimento de uma dieta de adaptação para larvas de atum rabilo
30200 E!7994
Eurostars, QREN I&DT – Co-promotion
02/2013 - 11/2014
Sparos, Futuna Blue, ISE/UAlg, CSIC
PI -Jorge Rodrigues, UAlg
Valorização do Folar de Olhão. Vale - Projeto Simplificado SI à qualificação e internacionalização de PMES (InoFolar)
Empresa João Mendes & Rita
ISE/UAlg - Margarida Vieira
TREE – Teaching and Research in Engineering in Europe, Special Interest Group (SIG) D1 – Managing Continuing Engineering Education CEE.
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
PI -Mafiolli
ISEKI_Food 4 - Towards the Innovation of the Food Chain Through Modernization of Food Studies (IFood_4)
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG - Margarida Vieira
Novas Tecnologias de Processamento de Hortofrutícolas Congelados- EMERCON
AGRO nº 822
Programa Operacional Agricultura e Desenvolvimento
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária -Ministério da Agricultura
01/01/04 - 31/12/06
Friopesca, ESB/UCP, ISE/UAlg, LNETI
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
ISEKI_Food 3 - Innovative Developments and Sustainability of ISEKI Food
Education, Audiovisual and Culture, Executive Agency
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
TECHNO TN ; Science & Engineering Thematic Networks
Education, Audiovisual and Culture, Executive Agency
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
ISEKI_MUNDUS - Integrating Safety and Environment Knowledge In World Food Studies
Audiovisual and Culture, Executive Agency
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
ISEKI_Food 2 - Integrating Safety and Environment Knowledge In Food towards European Sustainable Development
Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
ISEKI_Food - Integrating Safety and Environmental Knowledge Into Food Studies towards European Sustainable Development; Socrates ERASMUS Thematic Network
Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para prever a composição de novas formulações sem açúcar para a indústria de doçaria tradicional portuguesa (SWEET.COM)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) -Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior
01/11/03 a 31/10/06
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
Reinventar a Indústria Tradicional Alimentar do Algarve - RITA
1/01/05 a 31/12/07
Eng° David Gago
Margarida Vieira - 10%
Melhoria da Qualidade de Hortofrutícolas Congelados: Novos Pré-Tratamentos e Efeitos de Abusos de Temperatura na Cadeia de Distribuição - HORTOCON
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia -Ministério da
Ciência e do Ensino Superior
01/11/01 a 31/10/03
PI - Cristina Luisa Silva, ESB/UCP
PI na EST/UALG, Margarida Vieira
Multidisciplinary Study of the Transformation of Amazonian Fruits for their Commercial Valorization Aiming at the Development of Local Rural Communities
European Commission
1995 - 1997
bolseira PRODEP
Equipment - 3 D Printer Foodini

Equipment to print food in 3D.