Laboratory of Plant Nutrition
The Laboratory of Palnt Nutrition belongs to MED UAlg and is located in the Campus of Gambelas in the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Algarve.

Pedro J. R. G. Correia

Maribela F. O. P. Correia

Researcher - PhD Student
Teresa Maria Rego Saavedra
The research and experimental activities of the Plant Nutrition Laboratory are related to nutritional stress and to carob-tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.). It currently focuses on two main areas: the study of iron metabolism in crops of economic interest and the study of the productivity of carob tree under the scenario of climate change.
Research and Development
The study of iron metabolism focuses on the morphological and physiological mechanisms of the response to iron deficiency, which is very common in the calcareous soils of the Algarve, and the search for alternatives to synthetic iron chelates, based on more environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions. Metabolomics studies have been carried out on the compounds produced by plants in iron deficiency and the association between species with different iron utilisation strategies.
The study on the carob tree addresses various aspects of the ecology of this species, which plays a significant role in the regional economy. These include the response to controlled deficit irrigation, nutritional balance and fruit quality. The studies are conducted in collaboration with regional nut producer associations.
The laboratory has recently initiated new lines of research.
The utilisation of microalgae as biostimulants in the fertilisation of horticultural species.
The efficacy of natural iron complexing agents in correcting this nutritional deficit.
The research work carried out by the Plant Nutrition laboratory team takes place in greenhouse conditions on the UAlg campus, using nutrient solutions, and in the field using private orchards or experimentation fields of the regional agricultural services (DRAPALG).
Pestana M., Domingos I. & Correia P.J. 2008. Use as a fertilizer of a plant extract obtained from golf courses and lawn maintenance. National patent nº PT 103584 of UAlg (13th July 2009) and International Patent PCT/PT2007/000041, WO2008/044955, registered in Spain and Brazil.
Colaboration with companies
The laboratory has been collaborating with regional and national companies.
- Hubel Verde: a company specialising in the production of berries in a soilless cultivation system. The collaboration has led to joint publications at seminars and exchanges of experience.
-Vitacress SA: a company that produces watercress in soilless cultivation. Provision of services.
-ADP Fertilizantes (Fertiberia Group): National fertiliser manufacturing and marketing company. Provision of services, exchange of experiences and technical seminars.