Laboratory of Horticulture and Postharvest
Postharvest is the stage of crop production from harvest till consumption. Once harvested, fruit and vegetables continue metabolic processes that change their original composition and tissues microstructure, leading to deterioration. Harvest and postharvest technologies aim to extend these produce longevities and final quality. Currently, there is a strong pressure on the development of new environmentally friendly and safe technologies in the agro-industry field. These are expected to enhance bioproductivity, promote postharvest quality and implement food safety in a significant way. Our research line comprehends three major approaches to attain these goals. First provide a comprehensive knowledge on physiological and biochemical mechanisms, related to ripening and senescence of horticultural fresh products. Develop post-harvest emerging technologies which lead to food quality improvement and shelf-life extension, with minimal impact in the environment. Those include the study of edib

Maria Dulce Carlos Antunes

Custódia Maria Luís Gago
Edf. 8, Laboratory 1.31, Campus de Gambelas, UNiverisidade do Algarve 8005-139 FARO