Laboratory of Oenology
The Enology Laboratory of the Algarve specializes in the analysis and quality control of alcoholic beverages, such as spirits, liqueurs, and wines. Focused on the research of volatile and phenolic compounds, it is also involved in the development of new beverages and technical training in the field of enology.

Ludovina Rodrigues Galego
Departamento de Engenharia Alimentar – Instituto Superior de Engenharia – Universidade do Algarve - Campus da Penha;
+351 289 800 151* Call cost to Portugal landline
The Enology Laboratory is a specialized facility providing comprehensive services in the analysis and quality control of alcoholic beverages, including spirits, liqueurs, and wines. Utilizing advanced techniques such as gas chromatography, and occasionally liquid chromatography, the laboratory performs detailed physical-chemical analyses on these beverages, ensuring their quality and safety. It also plays a pivotal role in the improvement and development of new alcoholic beverages.
Beyond its service provision, the laboratory is a hub for research in the field of enology, with a focus on studying volatile and phenolic compounds in both alcoholic beverages and their raw materials. It serves clients across the country and occasionally extends its services to Cape Verde and Spain.
The laboratory also contributes to education, offering practical training through courses in Alcoholic Beverage Production Technology and Analysis, alongside specialized workshops under the PRR initiative. These include:
- Mixed Beverages: Determination of Alcohol Levels and Clarification
- Distilled Beverages: Optimization of Spirit Collection and Physical-Chemical Analyses
- Introduction to Sensory Evaluation of Medronho Brandy
With a combination of service, research, and education, the Enology Laboratory stands as a key player in advancing the quality and knowledge of alcoholic beverages in the region and beyond.
- Development of new alcoholic beverages
- Optimization of traditional alcoholic beverages
- Profiles of volatile compounds in various matrices
Master's thesis in progress:Determination of organic acids and phenolic compounds in wines produced from indigenous grape varieties of the Algarve region using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS).
Alcoholic drinks technology of the production and analysis - 1st Master in Food Technology
Community services
Analyses of Spirits:
- Volatiles - NP 3263 (Acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, methanol, 1-propanol, isobutanol, isopentanol)
- Total acidity – NP 2139
- Alcohol content – NP 2143
- Copper – NP 2441
- Dry extract – NP 3684
- Density – Digital densimeter – DA – 110M
Analyses of Liqueurs:
- Alcohol content – NP 2139
- Total sugars – NP 2224
- Detection of hydrocyanic acid derivatives – NP 2446
- Volatile profile – HS-SPME-GC
- Dry extract – NP 3684
- Density – Digital densimeter – DA – 110M
Analyses of Wines:
- Alcohol content – NP 2143
- Total acidity – NP 2139
- Volatile acidity – NP 2149
- Sulfur dioxide – NP 2220
- Density – Digital densimeter – DA – 110M
- pH – Potentiometry
Other analyses:
- Phenolic compound content in different matrices – Folin-Ciocalteu method
- Total monomeric anthocyanins – AOAC Method 2005.02
- Reducing sugars – NP 2223
- Acid quantification by HPLC (Tartaric, malic, lactic, citric, succinic, gallic, vanillic, caffeic acids or chemical composition)
GC – PerkinElmer Clarus 400
Enological Distiller – DJDDES140900
Refractometer - Optech
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer – GBC -Cintal 101
pH Meter - Crison
Digital Densimeter – Mettler Toledo – DA-110M
HPLC – HP with UV-Vis Detector ECD 2000