Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolism
Work on three different components: research, teaching, and external services.

Maria Isabel Ferraz de Oliveira

Senior Technician
Maria da Graça Janeiro Machado
Universidade de Évora - Pólo da Mitra
Apartado 94
7006-554 Évora, Portugal
The laboratory develops its activity in several research lines, namely:Study of the feed component of extensive animal production systems;
The use of markers for estimation of intake and digestibility in grazing animals;
Use of in vitro analytical techniques to estimate the nutritional value of feeds;
Study of anti-nutritional factors in feeds;
Study of lipid metabolism and cholesterol metabolism in monogastric animal models and evaluation of its effect on meat and meat products quality.
The laboratory provides support to farmers and companies in the sector of nutrition and livestock rearing, through the realization of physicochemical analyses to feeds (pasture, forage, hay, silages, cereals, mixes, by-products), as well as in technical advice-consult.
The laboratory supports the practical component of different subjects within the degree in Animal Science and technology, the master's degree in Veterinary medicine and the master's degree in Zootechnics. Furthermore, the laboratory supports training programmes, MSc and PhD thesis.