Laboratory of Postharvest Technology
Research and Services
Ana Elisa de Mendonça Rato Barroso
Laboratórios nº 205 e nº 206
Universidade de Évora- Pólo da Mitra
7006-554 Évora, Portugal
The Technology and Post-Harvest Laboratory offers the following services:
- Texture determinations using the Texturometer, being possible the realization of several tests: TPA, penetration, puncture, cut, test of Warner Bratzler ...
- Mechanical impact study;
- Assessment of mechanical damage and weight loss throughout conservation;
- Colour Determination;
- Chemical determinations: titratable acidity, pH, aroma, total soluble solids
- Sensory evaluation
- Determination of respiratory rate, ethylene production and Ca content.
We seek through research developed in the technology and post-harvest laboratory, to develop quality studies of food products that are relevant to regional production fruits such as plum, melon, cherry, grape table and for Wine.The post-harvest behavior of these fruits has been the subject of studies, both in the practical aspects of the increase of their useful life with the use of synthesis films and Edíveis films, notably in Plums ' Queen Claudia Verde ' and grapes ' Red Globe ', and of Different conservation temperatures, on the other hand with studies of physiological nature such as respiratory rate, ethylene production, content in Ca. Also to achieve greater knowledge of the texture of different foodstuffs, meat, Carnic products, cheese, for quality definition.
- TA_Hdi of Stable Micro Systems and the corresponding "Texture Expert" program;
- Mechanical impact test Device ", with patent registered at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, laboratory of physical properties and Technologies advanced en Agroalimentación (LPF-TAG);
- Colorimeter Minolta CR-200 (CIELab system);
- Refractometer digital Atago, model PR-101;
- Crison Compact titration Titrator;
- Electronic nose (not in the laboratory but is used by the team)
- Miscellaneous portable equipment for evaluation of mechanical properties (Chatillon DFM Digital Force Meter, Penetrometros, Durofel, etc.).