Laboratory of Soil Microbiology
Study of soil microbes that are beneficial to plant growth, namely mycorrhiza, rhizobia and other plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB)

Ana Isabel Pereira Alexandre

Clarisse Brígido

Taiana de Araújo Conceição

Luís Manuel Cardoso Vieira Alho

Isabel Maria Oliveira Brito

Esther Menendez

Senior Technician
Manuel Ezequias Prazeres Figo

Researcher - PhD Student
Roukaya Ben Gaied

Researcher - PhD Student
Vanessa Amaral Schnitzer da Silva

Technical Assistant
Gertrudes Antónia Valente Mariano

Research Fellowship
Jorge Manuel Pereira Narigueta

Research Fellowship
Daniela de Oliveira Garcia
+351 266760878
Universidade de Évora - Pólo da Mitra
Edifício Santos Júnior - sala 169
7006-554 Évora, Portugal
* Call cost to Portugal landline
The Soil Microbiology Lab is dedicated to the study of soil microbes that are beneficial to plant growth, namely mycorrhiza, rhizobia and other plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). We are interested in the investigation of the interaction of these microbes with their plant hosts as well as how they may improve plant growth, particularly in stress conditions (biotic or abiotic).
The Soil Microbiology Lab is dedicated to the study of soil microbes that are beneficial to plant growth, namely mycorrhiza, rhizobia and other plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). We are interested in the investigation of the interaction of these microbes with their plant hosts as well as how they may improve plant growth, particularly in stress conditions (biotic or abiotic).
Relevant Publications
- Paço, Ana; da-Silva, José R.; Torres, Denise P.; Glick, Bernard R.; Brígido, Clarisse. 2020. "Exogenous ACC Deaminase Is Key to Improving the Performance of Pasture Legume-Rhizobial Symbioses in the Presence of a High Manganese Concentration" Plants 9, no. 12: 1630.
- Faria, J. M. S.; Teixeira D. M.; Pinto, A. P.; Brito, I.; Barrulas, P.; Alho, L.; Carvalho, M. (2020). Toxic levels of manganese in an acidic Cambisol alters antioxidant enzymes activity, element uptake and subcellular distribution in Triticum aestivum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (193), 110355.
- Patanita M., Campos M.D., Félix M.R., Mário Carvalho M., Brito I. (2020). Effect of tillage system and cover crop on maize mycorrhization and presence of Magnaporthiopsis maydis. Biology 2020, 9(3), 46.
- Campos M.D., Patanita M., Campos C., Materatski P., Carla M. R. Varanda C.M.R., Brito I. and Félix M.R., (2019) Detection and Quantification of Fusarium spp. (F. oxysporum, F. verticillioides, F. graminearum ) and Magnaporthiopsis maydis in Maize Using Real-Time PCR Targeting the ITS Region. Agronomy, 9(2), 45.
- Brito I., Goss M.J., Alho L.; Brígido C., van Tuinen D., Félix R. and Carvalho M. (2019). Agronomic management of AMF functional diversity to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses - The role of plant sequence and intact extraradical mycelium. Fungal Ecology, 40, 72-81.
- Brígido, C.; Menéndez, E.; Paço, A.; Glick, B.R.; Belo, A.; Félix, M.R.; Oliveira, S.; Carvalho, M. (2019) Mediterranean Native Leguminous Plants: A Reservoir of Endophytic Bacteria with Potential to Enhance Chickpea Growth under Stress Conditions. Microorganisms , 7 , 392.
- Brígido, C., Singh, S., Menéndez, E., Tavares, M. J., Glick, B. R., Félix, M. d. R., Oliveira, S., and Carvalho, M. (2019). Diversity and Functionality of Culturable Endophytic Bacterial Communities in Chickpea Plants. Plants 8(2), 42; .
- da-Silva, J.R., Menéndez, E., Eliziário, F., Mateos, P.F., Alexandre, A. and Oliveira, S. (2019). Heterologous expression of nifA or nodD genes improves chickpea-Mesorhizobium symbiotic performance. Plant and Soil 436 (1-2), 607-621. .
- Paço, A., da-Silva, J.R., Eliziário, F., Brígido, C., Oliveira, S. and Alexandre, A. (2019) traG Gene Is Conserved across Mesorhizobium spp. Able to Nodulate the Same Host Plant and Expressed in Response to Root Exudates. BioMed Research International, vol. 2019, Article ID 3715271, 13 pages. .
- Serrano J., Shahidian S., Silva J. M. and Carvalho, M. (2018) A Holistic Approach to the evaluation of the montado ecosystem using proximal sensors. Sensors, 18 570, 1-24.
- Serrano J., Sales-Baptista E., Shahidian S., Silva J. M., Oliveira I. F., Castro J. L., Pereira A., Abreu M. C., and Carvalho M. (2018) Proximal sensors for monitoring seasonal changes of feeding sites selected by grazing ewes. Agroforest Syst.
- Menéndez E. and Garcia-Fraile P. (2017). Plant probiotic bacteria: solutions to feed the world. AIMS Microbiology , 3(3): 502-524.
- Brígido, C., van Tuinen, D., Brito, I., Alho, L., Goss, M. J. and Carvalho, M. (2017). “Management of the biological diversity of AM fungi by combination of host plant succession and integrity of extraradical mycelium”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 112, 237-247.
- Hudson, L. N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill S. L. L., et al. “The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project (2017)”. Ecology and Evolution 7(1):145-188.
- da-Silva, R., Alexandre, A., Brígido, C. and Oliveira, S. (2017) Can stress response genes be used to improve the symbiotic performance of rhizobia? AIMS Microbiology, 3:3, 354-382.
- Brígido, C., Glick, B. R. and Oliveira, S. (2017) "Survey of Plant Growth-Promoting Mechanisms in Native Portuguese Chickpea Mesorhizobium Isolates", Microbial Ecology , 73 :4, 900-915. - Laranjo, M., Alexandre, A., and Oliveira, S. (2017) "Global transcriptional response to salt shock of the plant microsymbiont Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099", Research in Microbiology , 168 :1, 55-63. - Serrano J., Shahidian S., Silva J. M., Sales-Baptista E., Oliveira I. F., Castro J. L., Pereira A., Abreu M. C., Machado E.& Carvalho M. (2017): Tree influence on soil and pasture: contribution of proximal sensing to pasture productivity and quality estimation in montado ecosystems, International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2017.1404166
- Serrano J. M., Shahidian S., Marques J. S. and Carvalho M. (2016) Monitoring of soil organic carbon over 10 years in a Mediterranean silvo-pastoral system: potential evaluation for differential management. Precision Agric., 17: 274–295.
- Paço, A., Brígido, C., Alexandre, A., Mateos, P.F., Oliveira, S. (2016) "The symbiotic performance of chickpea rhizobia can be improved by additional copies of the clpB chaperone gene", PLoS ONE 11 (2): e0148221. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148221.
- Nascimento F. X., Brígido C., Glick B. R., and Rossi M. J. (2016). The Role of Rhizobial ACC Deaminase in the Nodulation Process of Leguminous Plants. International Journal of Agronomy. vol. 2016, Article ID 1369472, 9 pages.
- Alho L., Carvalho M., Brito I. and Goss M. J. (2015) “The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungal propagules on the growth of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) under Mn toxicity in ex situ experiments”. Soil Use and Management , 31, 337–344.
- Carvalho M., Brito I., Alho L. and Goss M. J. (2015) “Assessing the progress of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhiza of four plant species under different temperature regimes”. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 178, 515–522.
- Valverde P., Carvalho M., Serralheiro R., Maia R., ramos V. e Oliveira B. (2015) Climate change impacts on rainfed agriculture in the Guadiana riverbasin (Portugal). Agricultural Water Management 150 (2015) 35–45.
- Valverde P., Serralheiro R., Carvalho M., Maia R., Oliveira B. and Ramos V. (2015) Climate change impacts on irrigated agriculture in the Guadiana riverbasin (Portugal). Agricultural Water Management 152: 17–30.
- Carvalho, M., Serralheiro, R., Corte-Real, J. and Valverde, P. (2015) Implications of climate variability and future trends on wheat production and crop technology adaptations in southern regions of Portugal. Water Utility Journal 9: 13-18, 2015.
- Maia, R., Vivas, E., Serralheiro R. and Carvalho M. (2015) Socioeconomic Evaluation of Drought Effects. Main Principles and Application to Guadiana and Algarve Case Studies. Water Resource Management, 29: 575–588.
- Laranjo, M., Alexandre, A., and Oliveira, S. (2014) "Genes commonly involved in acid tolerance are not overexpressed in the plant microsymbiont Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099 upon acidic shock", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 98 :16, 7137-7147.
- Alexandre, A., Laranjo, M., and Oliveira, S. (2014) "Global transcriptional response to heat shock of the legume symbiont Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099 comprises extensive gene downregulation", DNA Research , 21 :2, 195-206.
- Laranjo, M., Alexandre, A. and Oliveira, S. (2014) "Legume growth-promoting rhizobia: an overview on the Mesorhizobium genus", Microbiological Research , 169 :1, 2-17.
Brito I., Carvalho M., Alho L. and Goss M. J. (2014) “Managing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for bioprotection: Mn toxicity”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 68,78-84. - Hudson, L. N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill S. L. L. et al. (2014) “The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts”. Ecology and Evolution , 4, 4701–4735.
- Carvalho, M. and Lourenço, E. (2014) Conservation Agriculture – A Portuguese Case Study. Review article. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Sciences: 317-324 ISSN 0931-2250
- Brito I., Goss M. J. and Carvalho M. (2013) “Soil and weed management for enhancing arbuscular mycorrhiza colonisation of wheat”. Soil Use and Management , 29, 540-546.
- Brígido, C., Nascimento, F. X., Duan, J., Glick, B. R. and Oliveira, S. (2013) "Expression of an exogenous 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase gene in Mesorhizobium spp. reduces the negative effects of salt stress in chickpea", FEMS Microbiology Letters , 349 :1, 46-53.
- Alexandre, A. and Oliveira, S. (2013) "Response to temperature stress in rhizobia", Critical Reviews in Microbiology , 39 :3, 219-228.
- Brígido, C. and Oliveira, S. (2013) "Most acid-tolerant chickpea mesorhizobia show induction of major chaperone genes upon acid shock", Microbial Ecology , 65 :1, 145-153.
- Calado. J.M.G., Basch, G., Barros, J.F.C. and Carvalho, M. (2013). Weed emergence as affected by soil disturbance and moisture in a controlled environment. Plant Protection Quarterly, Vol. 28, 1: 6-11.;dn=453473177525689;res=E-LIBRARY
- Brito I., Carvalho M., Alho L., Caseirio M. and Goss M. J. (2013) Practical exploitation of mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural systems. Aspects of Applied Biology 121, 25:30
- Brito I., Goss M. J., Carvalho M., Chatagnier O. and Van Tuinen D. (2012) “Impact of tillage system on arbuscular mycorrhiza fungal communities in the soil under Mediterranean conditions”. Soil & Tillage Research, 121 , 63–67.
- Brito I., Goss M. J. and Carvalho M. (2012) “Effect of tillage and crop on arbuscular mycorrhiza colonisation of winter wheat and triticale under Mediterranean conditions”. Soil Use and Management , 28, 201-208.
- Brígido, C., Robledo, M., Menéndez, E., Mateos, P. F. and Oliveira, S. (2012) "A ClpB Chaperone Knockout Mutant of Mesorhizobium ciceri Shows a Delay in the Root Nodulation of Chickpea Plants". Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions , 25 :12, 1594-1604.
- Brígido, C., Alexandre, A. and Oliveira, S. (2012) "Transcriptional analysis of major chaperone genes in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive mesorhizobia", Microbiological Research , 167 :10, 623-629.
- Nascimento, F., Brígido, C., Glick, B. R. and Oliveira, S. (2012) "ACC deaminase genes are conserved among Mesorhizobium species able to nodulate the same host plant". FEMS Microbiology Letters , 336 :1, 26-37. - Laranjo, M., Young, J. P. W. and Oliveira, S. (2012) "Multilocus sequence analysis reveals multiple symbiovars within Mesorhizobium species". Systematic and Applied Microbiology , 35 :6, 359-367.
- Basch, G., Calado, J.M.G., Barros, J.F.C., and Carvalho, M. (2012). Impact of soil tillage and land use on soil organic carbon decline under Mediterranean conditions. Agrociencia, (Special Issue), 175-182, ISSN 1510-0839.
- Nascimento, F., Brígido, C., Glick, B.R., Oliveira, S., Alho, L. (2012) “Mesorhizobium ciceri LMS-1 expressing an exogenous ACC deaminase increases its nodulation abilities and chickpea plant resistance to soil constraints”. Letters in Applied Microbiology , 55 :1, 15-21.
- Nascimento, F., Brígido, C., Alho, L., Glick, B. R. and Oliveira, S. (2012) "Enhanced chickpea growth-promotion ability of a Mesorhizobium strain expressing an exogenous ACC deaminase gene". Plant and Soil , 353: 1-2, 221-230.
- Brito I., Carvalho M. & Goss M.J. (2011) “Summer survival of arbuscular mycorrhiza extraradical mycelium and the potential for its management through tillage options in Mediterranean cropping systems”. Soil Use and Management , 27, 350-356.
- Laranjo, M. and Oliveira, S. (2011) "Tolerance of Mesorhizobium type strains to different environmental stresses". Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , 99 :3, 651-662.
- Alexandre, A. and Oliveira, S. (2011) "Most heat-tolerant rhizobia show high induction of major chaperone genes upon stress", FEMS Microbiology Ecology , 75 :1, 28-36.
- Serrano, J.M.; Peça J.O.; Silva J.R.M.; Shahidian S. and Carvalho M. (2011) Phosphorus dynamics in permanent pastures: differential fertilizing and the animal effect. Nutr Cycl. Agroecosyst. 90:63-74. DOI 0.1007/s10705-010-9412-2.
- Calado M.G., Basch G. and Carvalho M. (2010) Weed management in no-till winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop Protection 29, issue 1, 1-6.
- Peça J.O., Serrano J.M., Pinheiro A., Carvalho M., Nunes M., Ribeiro L., Santos F. (2010) Speed advice for power efficient drawbar work. Journal of Terramechanics 47: 55-61.
Anos anteriores
- Alexandre, A., Brígido, C., Laranjo, M., Rodrigues, S. and Oliveira, S. (2009) "Survey of chickpea rhizobia diversity in Portugal reveals the predominance of species distinct from Mesorhizobium ciceri and Mesorhizobium mediterraneum ", Microbial Ecology , 58 :4, 930-941.
- Calado J.M.G., Basch G. and Carvalho M. (2009) Weed emergence as influenced by soil moisture and air temperature. J. Pest Sci. 82:81-88
- Barros, J. F. C., Basch, G., Freixial, R. & Carvalho, M. (2009). Effect of reduced doses of mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron to control weeds in no-till wheat under Mediterranean conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7 (4): 905-912.
- Alexandre, A., Laranjo, M., Young, J. P. W. and Oliveira, S. (2008) "dnaJ is a useful phylogenetic marker for alphaproteobacteria" International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 58 :12, 2839-2849. - Laranjo, M., Alexandre, A., Rivas, R., Velázquez, E., Young, J. P. W. and Oliveira, S. (2008) "Chickpea rhizobia symbiosis genes are highly conserved across multiple Mesorhizobium species" FEMS Microbiology Ecology , 66 :2, 391-400.
- Serrano, João; Peça, José; Pinheiro, Anaclet; Carvalho, Mário (2008) Evaluation of the energy requirements in tractor-disc harrow systems. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, vol 62(2): 205-209
- Silva J.R.M., Peça J.O., Serrano J.M. Carvalho M. & Palma P.M. (2008) Evaluation of spatial and temporal variability of pasture based on topography and the quality of the rainy season. Precision Agric. 9: 209-229
- Barros, J. F. C., Basch, G. & Carvalho, M. (2008). Effect of reduced doses of a post-emergence graminicide to control Avena sterilis L. and Lolium rigidum G. in no-till wheat under Mediterranean environment. Crop Protection, vol. 27 (6): 1031-1037.
- Brígido, C., Alexandre, A., Laranjo, M., Oliveira, S. (2007) "Moderately acidophilic Mesorhizobia isolated from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)" Letters in Applied Microbiology , 44 :2, 168-174. - Rivas, R., Laranjo,M., Mateos, P.F., Oliveira, S., Martínez-Molina, E. and Velázquez, E. (2007) "Strains of Mesorhizobium amorphae and M. tianshanense carrying symbiotic genes of common chickpea endosymbiotic species constitute a novel biovar (ciceri) able to nodulate Cicer arietinum " Letters in Applied Microbiology , 44 :4, 412-418.
- Serrano, João; Peça, José; Pinheiro, Anacleto; Carvalho, Mário; Silva, José (2007) Tractor Energy Requirements in Disc Harrow Systems. Biosystems Engineering, vol 98, issue 3: 286-296
- Barros, J. F. C., Basch, G. & Carvalho, M. (2007). Effect of reduced doses of a post-emergence herbicide to control grass and broad-leaved weeds in no – till wheat under Mediterranean conditions. Crop Protection, vol. 26 (10): 1538-1545.
- Serrano, João; Peça, José; Pinheiro, Anacleto; Carvalho, Mário; Silva, José (2007) Tractor Energy Requirements in Disc Harrow Systems. Biosystems Engineering, vol 98, issue 3: 286-296
- Alexandre, A., Laranjo, M. and Oliveira, S. (2006) "Natural populations of chickpea rhizobia evaluated by antibiotic resistance profiles and molecular methods" Microbial Ecology , 51 :1, 128-136.
- Rodrigues, C., Laranjo, M. and Oliveira, S. (2006) "Effect of heat and pH stress in the growth of chickpea mesorhizobia" Current Microbiology , 53 :1, 1–7. - Carvalho M. (2006) Effects of direct drilling on the fertilization of cereals, Options Mediterranéennes, serie A: Séminaires Méditerranées, number 69, 63-68.
- Barros, J. F. C., Basch, G. ad Carvalho, M. (2005). Effect of reduced doses of a post-emergence graminicide mixture to control Lolium rigidum G. in winter wheat under direct drilling in Mediterranean environment. Crop Protection, vol. 24, nº 10: 880-887.
- Laranjo, M., Machado, J., Young, J.P.W., Oliveira, S. (2004) “High diversity of chickpea Mesorhizobium species isolated in a Portuguese agricultural region” FEMS Microbiology Ecology , 48 :1,101-107. - Barros, J. F. C., Carvalho, M. and Basch, G. (2004). Response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) to sowing date and plant density under Mediterranean conditions. European Journal of Agronomy, vol. 21, nº 3: 347 – 356.
- Barros, J. F. C., Carvalho, M. and Basch, G. (2004). Response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) to sowing date and plant density under Mediterranean conditions. European Journal of Agronomy, vol. 21, nº 3: 347 – 356.
- Serrano, João M.; Peça, J. O.; Pinheiro, A.; Carvalho, M.; Nunes, M.; Ribeiro, L.; Santos, F. (2003) -The effect of Gang Angle of Offset Disc Harrows on Soil Tilth, Work Rate and Fuel Consumption. Biosystems Engineering, Volume 84(2): 171-17
- Laranjo, M., Branco, C., Soares, R., Alho, L., Carvalho, M. and Oliveira, S. (2002) “Comparison of chickpea rhizobia isolates from diverse Portuguese natural populations based on symbiotic effectiveness and DNA fingerprint” Journal of Applied Microbiology 92 :6, 1043-50.
- Laranjo, M., Rodrigues, R., Alho, L., and Oliveira, S. (2001) "Rhizobia of chickpea from Southern Portugal: symbiotic efficiency and genetic diversity" Journal of Applied Microbiology , 90 :4, 662-667.
- da-Silva, J.R; Paço, A; Alexandre, A.; Brígido, C; Menéndez, E. (2018) “Chapter 2 - Genetic engineering as a strategy to improve rhizobial symbiotic performance” in “Agricultural Research Updates”, vol 24. Edited by P. Gorawala and S. Mandhatri. Nova Science Publisher. ISBN: 978-1-53614-137-5.
- Brígido C., Goss M.J., Carvalho M., and Brito I. (2017) Diversity in Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Chapter 4). IN Functional Diversity of Mycorrhiza and Sustainable Agriculture- Management to Overcome Biotic and Abiotic Stresses. Edition:1st, Chapter: 4, Publisher: Academic Press, USA, New York, pp.59-79. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-804244-1.00004-6
- Alho, L., Kadir, S., Goss M. J., Carvalho M., and Brito I. (2017) Impacts on Host Plants of Interactions Between AMF and Other Soil Organisms in the Rhizosphere. Edition:1st, Chapter: 5, Publisher: Academic Press, USA, New York, pp.81-109. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-804244-1.00004-6.
- Alexandre, A., and Oliveira, S. (2016) “Chapter 13.1 - Heat shock response in bacteria with large genomes: lessons from rhizobia” In “Stress and Environmental Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria”, pp. 739-746. Edited by F. J. de Bruijn. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 9781119004882.
- Brígido C, Duan J and Glick BR. (2015) Methods to Study 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate (ACC) Deaminase in Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (Chapter 16) IN Cassán, F. D., Okon, Y., Creus, C.M. (eds). Handbook for Azospirillum: Technical Issues and Protocols. Cham Springer International Publishing: 287-305. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06542-7_16
- Brígido C and Glick BR. (2015) Phytoremediation using Rhizobia (Chapter 9) IN Ansari, A.A., Gill, S.S., Gill, R., Lanza, G.R., Newman, L. (Eds.) Phytoremediation: Management of Environmental Contaminants, volume 2. Cham Springer International Publishing: 95-114.. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10969-5_9
Anos anteriores
- Brito I., Carvalho M. and Goss M. J. (2009) Techniques for Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Inoculum Reduction. In: Varma A and Kharkwal AC (eds) Symbiotic Fungi, principles and practice, Soil Biology 18, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. pp 307-318. ISBN: 978-3-540-95893-2 (Print) 978-3-540-95894-9 (Online).
- Brito I., Goss M. J., Carvalho M., van Tuinen D. and Antunes P. M. (2008) “Agronomic Management of Indigenous Mycorrhizas”, In: Varma A (eds) Mycorrhiza 3rd Edition: State of the Art, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Eco-Function, Biotechnology, Eco-Physiology, Structure and Systematics. Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp 375-402. ISBN: 978-3-540-78824-9.
- Oliveira, S., Laranjo, M., Alexandre, A. (2008). "Molecular Tools in Microbial Ecology" In "Ecology Research Trends", chapter 4, pp. 161-183. Edited by Laia Diaz and Marta Perez, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA. ISBN 9781604566383.
- Laranjo, M. and Oliveira, S. (2006). "Rhizobial Strain Improvement: Genetic Analysis and Modification." In "Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture and Aquaculture.", pp. 225-260. Edited by R. C. Ray. Enfield, New Hampshire, USA: Science Publisher Inc. ISBN 9781578083671.
- Brito I., Carvalho M., van Tuinen D., Goss M. J. (2006) „Effects of soil management on the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in fall-sown crops in Mediterranean climates“, In: Soil Management for Sustainability, pp 149-156, Rainer Horn, Heiner Fleige, Stephan Peth & Xinhau Peng (eds), Catena Verlag GMBH, Germany. ISBN: 3-923381-52-2; USISBN: I-59326-246-9.
- Functional Diversity of Mycorrhiza and Sustainable Agriculture. Management to Overcome Biotic and Abiotic Stresses (2017). Michael Goss, Mário Carvalho and Isabel Brito. 1st Edition, Academic Press - Elsevier, London, UK. eBook ISBN: 9780128042861 - Paperback ISBN: 9780128042441.
- Carvalho, M., Basch, G., Calado J.M.G., Barros, JFC (2012) Long term effect of tillage system and crop residue management on soil carbon content of a luvisol under rainfed Mediterranean conditions. International Soil Tillage Organization Congress, Uruguay, published in Agrociencia, Striving for sustainable high productivity through improved soil and crop management, 183:187, ISSN 1510-0839
Ongoing projects:
- “BIOPROTOMATE - Bioproteção de Tomateiro Contra a Fusariose - Impacto das práticas agronómicas ” (ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-000056), financed by FEDER and National Funds, through the Programa Operacional Regional ALENTEJO 2020. Ongoing since October 2020, under the coordination of Isabel Brito.
For more information please visit the project website at
Previous projects:
- "Exploiting beneficial associations with chickpea: the role of nonrhizobial endophytic bacteria in the rhizobialegume symbiosis" POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐016810 (PTDC/AGR‐PRO/2978/2014) financed by national funds through FCT/MCTES and co-financed by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade Internacionalização (POCI). Principal Investigator - Clarisse Brígido. November 2016-October 2020.
- “Improvement of pasture production in acid soils in the Montado system: Chemical and biological approach ” (ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000039), financed by FEDER and National Funds, through the Programa Operacional Regional ALENTEJO 2020. Principal Investigator - Mário Carvalho. September 2016-December 2019.
- "Evolution of symbiosis genes in rhizobia: chickpea mesorhizobia as case study" (PTDC/BIA-EVF/4158/2012), financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through Programa Operacional Temático Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) and co-financed by Fundo Comunitário Europeu FEDER. Principal Investigator - Solange Oliveira. July 2013-December 2015.
- “The role of weeds mycorrhiza on the growth of winter crops and interactions with native rhizobia under Mediterranean conditions ” (FCT PTDC/AGR-PRO/111896/2009), financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia . Principal Investigator - Mário Carvalho. 2011-2014.
- European Project “Biocontrol and Bioremediation agents and their role in Agriculture and Forest health” People-MARIE CURIE ACTIONS-2009-IRSES, European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 247669, Coordinator Eugenia Iturritxa from Instituto Vasco De Investigación Y Desarrollo Agrario, Spain. March 2011-February 2014.
- "Improvement of Rhizobia by Genetic Modification with Stress Response Genes" (PTDC/BIO/80932/2006), co-financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and FEDER Programa POCI 2010. Principal Investigator - Solange Oliveira. January 2009-June 2012.
- "Diversity of rhizobia natural populations in Portugal: strains tolerant to environmental stress conditions ”. financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, SAPIENS project (POCTI/BME/44140/2002). Principal Investigator - Solange Oliveira. October 2003-March 2007.
- “Rhizobia nodulating chickpea: Genetic characterization and relation to strain origin and symbiotic efficiency ”. financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PRAXIS/P/AGR/11129/1998). Principal Investigator - Mário de Carvalho. July 1999-December 2001.
Services and Cooperation
The Soil Microbiology Lab establishes collaborations with farmers, in order to explore agricultural practices that maximize the beneficial effects of the soil microbiome, namely with the purpose of overcoming the effects of chemical constraints or the presence of plant-pathogens.
Regarding of more specific services, the Soil Microbiology Lab has to offer:
-Evaluation of the mycorrhiza colonization rate;
-Evaluation of soil parameters related to microbial activity (enzymatic activities, respiration rate, microbial C);
-Quantification of rhizobial populations;
-Detection of the presence in a given soil of rhizobial populations specific to the leguminous species of interest.
You may consult our prices here .