Laboratory of Entomology
Creation, maintenance, identification and handling of arthropods, to support studies in agricultural crops, its activity has specialized in carrying out various studies on biodiversity, ecology and molecular biology of arthropods, in the context of olive grove cultivation, and in level of its pests, or at the level of auxiliary insects (predators and parasitoids).

Fernando M. C. T. Rei

Ivo Lourenço Dias
Laboratório de Entomologia Agrícola, MEDUniversidade de Évora – Pólo da MitraApartado 947006-554 Évora, Portugal
+351 266 760 800* Call cost to Portugal landline
- Study and management of agricultural pests, in particular those associated with olive groves.
- Maintenance of an Entomology Lab insectary, as a space for the installation and maintenance of various species of insects, from pests to auxiliaries, subsequently used in experimental work associated with research projects.
- Development of molecular biology works with arthropods, and several resources with high optical zoom, essential for the systematic identification of arthropods.
- Support in the demonstration and practical dissemination of scientific research, both to students from the University of Évora and to secondary school students from several educational establishments in the Alentejo region.
- Collaboration in experimental work within various disciplines associated with crop protection, included in the degree in Agronomy, and in the Masters in Agronomic Engineering, Olive and Olive Oil, and in Viticulture and Oenology.
Services available:
- Diagnostic tests, to identify arthropods. Mostly phytophages, present in several agricultural crops,
- Counseling for the implementation of actions according to the exams performed.
- Consulting services in the area of Integrated Protection and Biodiversity of arthropods in agricultural crops.