Laboratory of Botany


Our plant biology research aims at protecting terrestrial biodiversity and mitigating negative impacts on the natural environment and productive sector. The primary focus of our research is the native flora of the Mediterranean region, but we also take an active interest in naturalised and cultivated plants.


Anabela Dias Ferreira Belo


Anabela Dias Ferreira Belo

Paula Rute Pereira Matono


Paula Rute Pereira Matono

Catarina Isabel Rodrigues Meireles


Catarina Isabel Rodrigues Meireles

Carla Sofia Borges Pinto-Cruz


Carla Sofia Borges Pinto-Cruz

Mariana Pucarinho Fernandes

Researcher - PhD Student

Mariana Pucarinho Fernandes

Erika Roldão Lemos de Almeida

Researcher - PhD Student

Erika Roldão Lemos de Almeida


+351 266 760 885 Ext. 24455*

Laboratório de Botânica, MED
Universidade de Évora – Pólo da Mitra
Apartado 94
7006-554 Évora, Portugal

* Call cost to Portugal landline

About us

Our plant biology research aims at protecting terrestrial biodiversity and mitigating negative impacts on the natural environment and productive sector. The primary focus of our research is the native flora of the Mediterranean region, but we also take an active interest in naturalised and cultivated plants.


Main research lines:

  • Plant biodiversity inventory and monitoring;
  • Plant conservation;
  • Understanding, protecting and restoring wetlands, drylands, forest fragments and rare ecosystems;
  • Management of plant resources;
  • Plant ecophysiology;
  • Plant ecology and community dynamics;

Last decade research projects:

2014/(…): Mitra-Nature: Biodiversidade da Herdade da Mitra - .

2015/2021: LIFE14 NAT/PT/001081, Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions (LIFE LINES).

2015/2018: Valorização económica do cardo (Cynara cardunculus): variabilidade natural e suas aplicações biotecnológicas (ValBioTecCynara).

2013/2018: LIFE12 NAT/PT/000997, Mediterranean Temporary Ponds Conservation in Portugal SW coast.

2012/2014: IN-ALENTEJO ALENT-07-0224-FEDER-001744, A gestão da intensidade do pastoreio face à valorização do montado como sistema de elevado valor natural.

2010/2013.abril –PTDC/AGR-AAM/100979/2008 Incremento da biodiversidade funcional do olival, no fomento da protecção biológica contra pragas da cultura.



The Botany Lab supports the practical courses of Biology for the Degree in Biology, the “Conservation Biology” and the “Management and Conservation of Natural Resources” Masters, and receives trainees from undergraduate, masters and PhD programs.


The Lab provides scientific and technical advice in environmental issues to external private companies and public entities.