MED researcher leads new project on innovative nutrient management for aquatic ecosystem services in Europe
The projects selected for funding under the Water4All 2023 Joint Transnational Call, focusing on ‘Aquatic Ecosystem Services’, were recently announced. Among the approved projects are ENGAGE – Europe Nutrient Management – Guided Approaches for Greater Export Reduction, led by Diogo Costa, MED researcher at the University of Évora.
ENGAGE aims to implement a new approach to sustainable nutrient management in river basins of different sizes across Europe. Through this project, the aim is to support the various stakeholders in developing strategies that maximise:
1. Supply – supply of water, food and drink;
2. Regulation – water purification;
3. Support – maintaining the nutrient cycle;
4. Cultural services – recreational activities.
Coordinated by the University of Évora, ENGAGE has the collaboration of strategic partners such as IPBeja, the Baltic Studies Centre, the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Mykolas Romeris University.