MED Awards 2024 | Mário Carvalho Prize
The Mário Carvalho Prize is an initiative set up by the MED – Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, whose name is inspired by Professor and Researcher Mário Carvalho, a renowned expert in the field of conservation agriculture and soil regeneration. With this award, the MED aims to honour and recognise the outstanding careers of researchers who have played an important role in the MED’s strategic areas.
For whom it is intended:
The Mário Carvalho Prize will be awarded periodically (no more than once a year) to a researcher who, throughout their career, has carried out a scientific or technological activity considered relevant in the areas of agriculture, the environment and/or development. This activity must be related to creation and innovation, theoretical/experimental research of excellence or for its contribution to highlighting the importance of the above-mentioned areas in the development strategy of the Alentejo region and/or the country.
Candidates for the Mário Carvalho Prize may be of any nationality as long as they have worked in the context of Mediterranean characteristics in Portugal for an extended period, i.e. in such a way that their contributions have a particular impact on the region with these characteristics.
Application evaluation:
Candidates for the Mário Carvalho Prize may be proposed by three or more integrated MED researchers, or by the MED Board of Directors.
Nominations for this Prize will be analysed by a Prize Committee, consisting of three researchers from outside the MED who are renowned in MED research areas. The MED Board of Directors is responsible for appointing the external members of this Committee. This Committee will evaluate the proposals and decide on the winner, reserving the right not to award the prize to any of the nominees.
Deadline for submitting applications:
Applications must be submitted by email to by 17:00 on 16 September 2024. Check the regulations here to see all the documentation accompanying the application.
Description of the Prize:
The winner will be honoured at a scientific event organised by the MED and presented with a commemorative plaque alluding to the Prize.