Highlights of the IX PhD Students Meeting in Environment and Agriculture
The 9th edition of the PhD Students Meeting in Environment and Agriculture (Encontro de Estudantes de Doutoramento em Ambiente e Agricultura–EEDAA) was held at the Mitra Campus of the University of Évora on 11 and 12 December.
The work began on the morning of 11 December with the official opening session led by the Director of the MED, Professor Fátima Baptista.

During the two-day event, 23 oral communications were presented and 77 scientific posters exhibited, an increase of 31 on the previous edition. The event brought together around 120 participants, filling the Conference Room to capacity. More than 95 of the participants were doctoral students. Although the majority of participants were from Portuguese universities, there was significant international participation, with students from France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil and Mexico.
In addition to the oral and poster presentations, the meeting featured two plenary lectures given by renowned guests: Miguel Fevereiro (INIAV) – ‘Laboratory diagnostics: from classical to molecular and beyond’ and Carlos Zorrinho (University of Évora) – ‘Technological disruption, globalisation and sustainable development’.

Miguel Fevereiro

Carlos Zorrinho
The closing ceremony on the second day, which was attended by the Director of IIFA, Professor Rui Salgado, and the Director of MED, Professor Fátima Baptista, included the presentation of the prizes for the best posters and the MED Solange Oliveira Prize for the best Doctoral thesis.
Winners of the best poster prizes:
1st Place: Mónica Marques – ‘Carob tree: One Green Solution to support a Sustainable Agriculture’
2nd Place: Carla Janeiro – ‘Biodiversity Market: Case Study for the Montado Ecosystem’
3rd Place: Filipa Santos – ‘Molecular and phylogenetic relationships between Colletotrichum species and related fungi based on partial DNA gene analysis’

MED Solange Oliveira Prize
The prize was awarded to Emanuel Carreira for his doctoral thesis in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, defended this year at the University of Évora, with the title: ‘Sustainable intensification in sheep production in the montado: study of the interaction between the productivity of natural pastures and dynamic grazing management [Intensificação sustentável na produção de ovinos no montado: estudo da interação entre a produtividade de pastagens naturais e a gestão dinâmica do pastoreio]’.