’Connect, Create, CHANGE’ – Call for CHANGE Exploratory Ideas [Update]
[Update] New deadline for submitting applications
The Associate Laboratory CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute is launching a Call for Exploratory Ideas within the month of July.
The Call for Exploratory Ideas Connect, Create, CHANGE aims to select, promote and (if applicable) sponsor the best new cooperation initiatives between researchers from a minimum of 2 units from the 3 R&D centers that integrate CHANGE: cE3c, CENSE e MED.
Examples of joint initiatives include Opinion Papers, Scientific Papers, White Papers, Reviews, Dissemination and Communication Campaigns for stakeholder engagement (relevant for CHANGE Mission and Vision), Preparation and Submission of Projects for Funding (regional, national and european), Workshops (relevant for CHANGE’s Thematic Lines), etc.
More information about application dates, and application conditions are available on the left, after the image.
Applications should be submitted using the template available on the left, after the image, till 12 September.
Please submit your application via email to change@uevora.pt.
We are looking forward to receiving many applications.
Let´s make the CHANGE!