31st EGF General Meeting "Challenges and innovations for grasslands resilience"

The Portuguese Pasture and Forage Society (SPPF), in collaboration with the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development of the University of Évora (MED) and the National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research, I.P. (INIAV, I.P.), has the honour of organising the 31st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation. This benchmark event in the field of pastures and forages will bring together between 350 and 400 researchers, academics and professionals from more than 32 European countries.
The congress will take place at the University of Évora from 13 to 16 April 2026, preceded by a pre-event on 12 April and followed by a post-tour to the Azores archipelago from 16 to 19 April.

This event is particularly important for Portugal, where pastures cover more than 2 million hectares, making up the country’s largest agricultural land use.

In addition to the scientific sessions, the programme will include a Masterclass aimed at Master’s and PhD students, dedicated to the theme ‘Methodology for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Grassland Ecosystems’, with the participation of European experts.

The congress will centre on the theme ‘Challenges and Innovations for Grasslands Resilience’, structured around five major sessions:

  • Climate change and grasslands soil and water management
  • Agroforestry, pastoralism and society
  • Breeding for new challenges
  • Sustainable livestock production systems based on grasslands: Challenges and opportunities
  • Grasslands and rural land policy tools to face global challenges

Registration is now open at https://events.iniav.pt/egf2026/, and the dates for submitting papers will be announced shortly.